Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Feline Friday - 4/21/17

Momma says I'm too sided:


Getting up in the world

and Nice:

Crashed after a night out on the town

I have noooooo idea what she's talking about...

PS - Momma is on a bloggy break. She might be back next Friday or she might hold off until the following Monday. Cya then...

Monday, April 17, 2017

HeLP for Hexie-aholics - 4/17/17

Hello and welcome to this month's edition of HeLP (Hexie Linky Party) for those of us that are addicted to English Paper Piecing!!!

I'm afraid I don't have much to share as I've spent all my time lately sewing things to sell at an upcoming conference I'll be attending.

You may recall from about 2 weeks ago that I finished what I could on this 3D doll quilt. "Finished" means I had used up all 3 FQs yet still needed to finish that bottom left corner. The debate was to use the remaining 3 gray pieces or to try to make this one like the rest. We decided to try to make it the same as all the others. I had some light gray left to use and the plan was to piece the red together after trimming the bottom flat. It was decided but it sat and waited for it's turn after my conference.

Yet, yesterday while finishing up some mugrugs, I found enough of the red to make one more. Woohoo!! The block is done and I'll stitch it on when I've had my fill of conference prep.

I also received a squishy in today's mail - all the way from London.
London, Ontario. Canada.
Hah - you thought I got something from across the pond...

I think I might do mine in batiks as well...

Nope - it's a set of papers and templates for a new hexie project called Castor and Pollux that Cathy is able to produce with her own laser. Cathy was able to use the 3/8" seam allowances I like on my templates and the papers are sturdy cardstock. I'm waiting to see what else she has to offer!

The cost of shipping is more than we are used to in the US but the exchange rate on the dollar more than makes up for it.

If I organized it, would you like to make a temperature quilt using EPP? For those that don't know... these started as afghans where the daily high was compared to a predetermined chart which correlated the temp into yarn color for that days row on the afghan. The afghan is a memento of the year's weather. If you guys are interested, I can work out the details for the next HeLP...

And now it's your turn to share - what hexie projects are you working on?
Is it new or has it sat for a while?
What's your favorite shape to stitch?
What shape are you avoiding?

Friday, April 14, 2017

Feline Friday - 4/14/17

You know it's been a long day gallivanting outside when I go to bed before Momma does!!


Monday, April 10, 2017

Design Wall Monday - 4/10/17

It was an excellent weekend!!

How could it not be when 5 miles under cloudless, sunny skies was done and dusted before 8am??!! Woohoo!! Weather and schedule permitting, my goal is to do the same every weekend. I'm telling you, not to gloat, but to need to hold myself accountable...

We even hit 73F yesterday which meant that the windows were open wide at Casa Grande while I cooked, baked and cleaned up a storm yesterday and this morning.

Maybe now it's safe to put the snow shovel away?

Zorro got up in the world on "his" new stool.

And I sewed my fingers to the bone. Yet, can you believe that I haven't touched a hexie in three days? Me either?!?!

23 name badge holders were finished.

And I've started prepping the next set of 20+. I certainly hope people want to buy these...at some point I'm going to saturate my "market" and I have no idea when that is going to be...

Next up: zipper bags and bookmarks.

Friday, April 07, 2017

Feline Friday - 4/7/17

Momma is STILL painting. Being sick isn't moving things along very quickly...

I thought the top of the mattresses would be a safe space...since there is still paint on my beauteous tail.

On the other hand, downstairs in my box is much safer. And warmer.

And just in case you wondered what Spring is like in Western New York...

It's rained enough this week to flood my entire back yard - and yes it's running from the Village park, through Larry's yard, then through Momma's mine and then down into Tina's yard.

Last night there was a lot more ponding before it turned to snow! Ick.

Again - you'll find me here:

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

The Bibliophile Files - 4/4/17

Hello! Hello! and welcome to another edition of The Bibliophile Files - my monthly report on the books I've finished.

Goodreads is getting depressing - telling me that I am now 6 books behind schedule to reach my goal. I am not getting discouraged tho as I finally got myself back to walking every day and that means I'll get through more audiobooks on my phone. I'm also in mass production mode, sewing for my conference, so that means more audiobooks on my stereo. It's felt good to be walking again and I'm sure I'll be saying the same about being back in my quilt lab.

     Gone - a new to me series. The fun part is that it seems to link to the Doc Ford series.
     After You - not nearly as good as it's predecessor
     Most Dangerous: Daniel Ellsberg & the Secret History of the Vietnam War - it took me months to finish this book. There's nothing wrong with it - I learned a lot - t's just not my usual book genre
     A Perfect Square
     Echo Park - another new to me series - I'll be going back to the beginning now. LOL.

     on my iPhone - The Omnivore's Dilemma - this is another on of those free books that is not really my genre. Luckily I seem to be getting through it pretty quickly because so far it seems that the topic could be covered in half the space it's taking.
     on my stereo - Book, Line & Sinker

And now it's YOUR turn!
What have you read recently? Anything goes - novel, magazine, quilt pattern/book or cereal box...Do share!!!!


1. Denise :)  2. "How To Pack"  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, April 03, 2017

Design Wall Monday - 4/3/17

My weekend was pretty much a juggling act - I tried to get a lot done on a lot of projects but only ended up getting some done on some projects. LOL.

I'm still working on renovating my bedroom. Saturday was paint the trim white day - that included door/window frames, crown molding and baseboards. Don't worry - I had snoopervision. He really gets in to his work!

I apologize for the fuzzy photo but someone doesn't like his tail held. And that's why you don't get to see the second, thicker coat he later applied. Poor Zorro!

On Sunday, Ryan invited me for a play date. How I even imagined I could keep up with a 9 year old when I've had a very lazy winter is beyond me. Having signed up for a 5K (walk - I don't run!!) at the end of May, I started my morning early with a 5K walk. Ryan and I then proceeded to run around the yard, play street hockey, use the trampoline for quite some time, test out his new birthday video games, learn how to use Tyler's hoverboard and too many other things to remember. I''m considering getting a new pair of roller blades just to prove to them that yes, Tortilla (my nickname-long story) CAN skate. Vegging on the couch for the evening was the wrong way to end Sunday as I can't move a back muscle today...

I had really hoped to finish this doll quilt before the weekend was over. I have enough fabric to make one more row of hexies for the bottom and then fill in the half hexies. I'm now hoping to have it done by next weekend so I can concentrate on other things.

And last but not least...I am in the process of mass producing name badge holders for my annual work conference. I've been given permission to set up a sales table during registration instead of dragging them around with me for several days. I love a target audience! I am also bringing my other quilted items to sell too. Once I get that doll quilt finished it will be all production all the time as I have just a few weeks left to sew, sew, sew. Luckily that also includes a few days off.

I'm tired, how about you?