Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday Weather Report #48 - 4/18/18

I was going to share some recent weather photos with you. You know, the beautiful cloud formations, the flooding behind the library, the snow yesterday but I think the following sums it all up perfectly:

Now this is Western NY and we like to joke that if you don't like the weather give it 5 minutes and it'll change. I don't know that today's 37F is any better than yesterdays 33F or tomorrow's expected snow but I do know that next week's 60F is a move in the right direction.

The big question, with just 4 weeks left in this phase of the project, is will the ending temps match the beginning temps of my quilt? Spring is very far behind in these here parts with lots of farmers already behind schedule so I'm not holding my breath.

I started this project 5/17/17 with a red hexie. I wasn't keeping track of the actual temps in the beginning but red is in the 80s. I can't even imagine temps that warm it's been so long...

I just used weatherunderground.com to check the max temp a year ago today and it was 63F...only a 26 degree difference from the present. Yikes! Mother Nature is going to have to work hard to catch up with those kind of temps.

And here is the last week - filled with rain, ice, floods and snow. I don't recall there being much sun which is wearing everyone down...

44 - 50 - 49- 32 - 34 - 38 - 33 F


The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


barbara woods said...

I believe that!The weather man here in N. Ga said this morning "chance of frost next week"

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I was just joking with someone on this same 'quote' you have posted along with the 'wanted' poster for Phil on FB. We don't think we will see any decent weather until the end of July at this point.

Janet O. said...

Oh, I love the quotation about the 105th of January!! So appropriate!
My sister used to live in Michigan and I remember she came back with the saying that there are two seasons in Michigan, winter, and the 4th of July. :)

Julierose said...

We awakened to 34 degrees here and cold rain--thought it was awful---THEN we traveled up to see my son on the New Hampshire border area--snow still in piles on the ground..and colder there. Funny how it seemed warmer when we came home...
80 degrees?? I am hoping that old Mr. Sun is still up there....
enough with the grayness...hugs, Julierose

Vireya said...

Wow, that doesn't sound like fun. Winter is definitely out-staying its welcome. Hope you see some warm sunshine soon!

Scrapatches said...

Pretty hexies! I have done some EPP, but they have been POTC blocks, not hexies. It makes a good take along project ... :) Pat