Yesterday's violet was such a hit, I thought I would share another today.
This violet lives at my work desk and could be my favorite color/pattern. It had a bit of a rough patch this summer, hence the yellow leaves on the outside but I'll get them trimmed once the flowers fade. This one needs repotting as it has a big sucker plant on the side but, while I can make them bloom like gang busters, my violets always struggle after I repot them. It's quite frustrating so I would love to hear any hints you have.
I have 2 Christmas Cacti in blossom if anyone wants to see those. They really should be called Halloween/Christmas/Valentines Cacti as they blossom 2 to 3 times a year.
I also wanted to share Zorro's Halloween costume for this year. It's hard to see but the crown has 3 large diamonds that sparkle in the light and the cape is purple velvet. In my dreams, I know.
Z tolerates the crown as long as it's over one ear instead of between his ears. I always knew he was a little off kilter. He also doesn't mind the cape as it merely velcros around his neck and he enjoys (?) collars but the cape is long enough to slide around to his chest. Mom suggested velcro in his fur to attach to the velvet but I don't think it would go over well. The costume clearly needs some adjustments. He's worn it a couple times as practice for tonight but he has never held still long enough for a decent photo. Sorry.
Sadly, Halloween is Z's least favorite day of the entire year. It's not due to any costume drama but because it's the only day/night out of 365 that I absolutely will not allow him outside. Free roaming (partly) black cats and Halloween night shenanigans are not a good combination. I'm sure I'll be forgiven eventually...but it could take a while.
Happy Halloween from Z and Me!
Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Wednesday Weather Report #128 - 10/30/19
Not the world's best photo but I wanted to share my new violet...
You can see the leaves are still in the yard. I had time to rake last night but wasn't sure the village would be picking up leaves today/tomorrow and with the wind storm (45-60 mph) coming tomorrow night I didn't want them blown back into my yard to be raked again. See - I'm just being logical. That and it's supposedly good for the environment not to rake.
You can also see little paw prints on the glass. Generally I leave this end of the table open so that His Highness can sit here to gaze out upon his kingdom when the weather prevents him going out in purrson. Don't worry - the violet was quickly moved back to it's end of the table for it's own personal protection.
Just in case you were wondering...Friday's high is supposed to be 41F and that means were are leaning heavily for a "blue" day - a new color for this fall. That also means that October started 3 colors warmer than last year and November will start 1 color colder than last year. There is just no rhyme or reason to the weather...
You can see the leaves are still in the yard. I had time to rake last night but wasn't sure the village would be picking up leaves today/tomorrow and with the wind storm (45-60 mph) coming tomorrow night I didn't want them blown back into my yard to be raked again. See - I'm just being logical. That and it's supposedly good for the environment not to rake.
You can also see little paw prints on the glass. Generally I leave this end of the table open so that His Highness can sit here to gaze out upon his kingdom when the weather prevents him going out in purrson. Don't worry - the violet was quickly moved back to it's end of the table for it's own personal protection.
October 23-29, 2019 54 - 59 - 53 - 54 - 58 - 60 - 67 F |
Just in case you were wondering...Friday's high is supposed to be 41F and that means were are leaning heavily for a "blue" day - a new color for this fall. That also means that October started 3 colors warmer than last year and November will start 1 color colder than last year. There is just no rhyme or reason to the weather...
Friday, October 25, 2019
Feline Friday - 10/25/19
Last weekend Momma did a trunk show and dolly-bed turning of her hexie quilts. She also changed out my "mattress" and fluffed all the quilts after returning the bed to a different corner of the living room.
Now I can't wait to use my dolly bed every morning and evening while Momma stitches on the couch!! Momma claims this is a definite sign of fall as I never use my bed in the summer...
Now I can't wait to use my dolly bed every morning and evening while Momma stitches on the couch!! Momma claims this is a definite sign of fall as I never use my bed in the summer...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Wednesday Weather Report #127 - 10/23/19
Yesterday was an odd day for me. I really needed to check my post office box which meant I needed to get to the post office by 5:45 when the lobby closes. I actually left work on time and was then home by 5:30 with no meetings to go to. That meant 5 hours to do what I wanted at home. Double Woot!
First chore was cleaning up the quilt lab and unpacking my trunk show. The lab is better than it was before but not perfect. Of course it has never been perfect and never will be :^)
Next up was catching up on my temp quilt. I had to add yesterday's elongated hexie to the week but I also had to attach the weeks for the last 2 months. It's been a busy school tax season, what can I say?
Too me, the best comparison is as follows: 2018 on the left and 2019 on the right. I know the black makes a difference but the 2018 winter reads more blue (30s) and the 2018 summer reads more orange/red (70/80s) to me while the 2019 seasons were pretty mixed color wise. Or you can also use the technical term of "all over the place." Not to rush things but ... I can't wait to have a third year to compare!!!
Most of yesterday was an overcast rainy day until I got home and then the sun came out. I'm not sure if it was the reflection of actual sun beams on the yellow leaves or the fall angle of the sun or whatever but the "yard" appeared really yellow. IRL the sky was darker and the leaves were brighter but I couldn't get the camera to capture that difference properly. I always struggle with sun/sky pictures - wish I could figure it out. Even my editing software couldn't perfect the photo.
First chore was cleaning up the quilt lab and unpacking my trunk show. The lab is better than it was before but not perfect. Of course it has never been perfect and never will be :^)
October 16 - 22, 2019 53 - 45 - 47 - 54 - 60 - 63 - 57 F |
Next up was catching up on my temp quilt. I had to add yesterday's elongated hexie to the week but I also had to attach the weeks for the last 2 months. It's been a busy school tax season, what can I say?
1/1/19 - 10/22/19 |
Too me, the best comparison is as follows: 2018 on the left and 2019 on the right. I know the black makes a difference but the 2018 winter reads more blue (30s) and the 2018 summer reads more orange/red (70/80s) to me while the 2019 seasons were pretty mixed color wise. Or you can also use the technical term of "all over the place." Not to rush things but ... I can't wait to have a third year to compare!!!
Most of yesterday was an overcast rainy day until I got home and then the sun came out. I'm not sure if it was the reflection of actual sun beams on the yellow leaves or the fall angle of the sun or whatever but the "yard" appeared really yellow. IRL the sky was darker and the leaves were brighter but I couldn't get the camera to capture that difference properly. I always struggle with sun/sky pictures - wish I could figure it out. Even my editing software couldn't perfect the photo.
And then this cutie this morning...
I wish I had the live feature turned on as Z's jog across the leaves was just adorable. Guess what I'll be doing this weekend? Yipp - raking leaves...oh joy!
Friday, October 18, 2019
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The day after Wednesday Weather Report #126 - 10/17/19
I'm having a week. Hence another less than stellar and day late weather report :(
First I had the gall to skip off to the mountains for 4 days (weeeee!!!!). I hope to squeeze in a post soon on my trip - I hiked, I enjoyed the fall leaves (but maybe not as much as I enjoyed my new winter sleeping bag due to the COLD nights) and I got to meet a blog/quilt friend for the first time! I did work on some hexies but didn't seem to accomplish much.
So this week has been filled with working late and a forgotten meeting, leaving another meeting to go on a rescue call, an early morning call, another morning where his Highness letting me sleep in and general malaise due to the soggy, dark weather. Fall might be my fav for the cool weather, snuggly clothes/blankets/Zorro and the colors but I am NOT a fan of the darkness. It can only get better, right?!
Here's hoping you had a more productive week!
First I had the gall to skip off to the mountains for 4 days (weeeee!!!!). I hope to squeeze in a post soon on my trip - I hiked, I enjoyed the fall leaves (but maybe not as much as I enjoyed my new winter sleeping bag due to the COLD nights) and I got to meet a blog/quilt friend for the first time! I did work on some hexies but didn't seem to accomplish much.
So this week has been filled with working late and a forgotten meeting, leaving another meeting to go on a rescue call, an early morning call, another morning where his Highness letting me sleep in and general malaise due to the soggy, dark weather. Fall might be my fav for the cool weather, snuggly clothes/blankets/Zorro and the colors but I am NOT a fan of the darkness. It can only get better, right?!
Last Week October 2-8, 2019 59 - 50 - 46 - 55 - 70 - 62 - 62 F |
October 9-15, 2019 61 - 59 - 70 - 60 - 58 - 58 - 59 F |
Friday, October 11, 2019
Feline Friday - 10/11/19
This is what we call a true sun bath.
The weather is divine. Come on out and take a bath with me!!!!
The weather is divine. Come on out and take a bath with me!!!!
Wednesday, October 09, 2019
Wednesday Weather Report #125 - 10/9/19
In the chaos of job #1, job #2 and a pending quick trip to the mountains it's been quite a week. Enough so that I walked out of the house without my weather report this morning, which is especially frustrating since I actually had it ready for a glamour shot. Grrrrrrr.
I'll post a pic next week but in the meantime I hope this will suffice:
59 - 50 - 46 - 55 - 70 - 62 - 62 F
I was so excited to show you the first turquoise day ... I guess you'll get to see it next week.
I'll post a pic next week but in the meantime I hope this will suffice:
59 - 50 - 46 - 55 - 70 - 62 - 62 F
I was so excited to show you the first turquoise day ... I guess you'll get to see it next week.
Friday, October 04, 2019
Feline Friday - 10/4/19
Well - it appears we jumped headlong into Fall weather: it's been rainy, windy and cold since Tuesday. And, no, Momma hasn't turned on the heat yet. On top of that the bedroom window is still open yet she has the e-blanket on very low. I think it's a ploy for me to cuddle at night. I'm not saying if it works or not.
Momma says that today is a turquoise day, the first this fall, and there is a frost advisory for tonight.
Seems like the perfect time to spend some evening cuddles with Momma and her fleece jumper...
Momma says that today is a turquoise day, the first this fall, and there is a frost advisory for tonight.
Seems like the perfect time to spend some evening cuddles with Momma and her fleece jumper...
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
Wednesday Weather Report #124 - 10/2/19
Yesterday's weather made it nearly impossible to tell that it was October already: 84F instead of last year's 54F!! Who would have expected October to start with a red??!??
September 25-30, 2019 : 76 - 63 - 70 - 75 - 58 - 64 F October 1, 2019 : 84 F |
Today's green temp is much more realistic. What I'm not quite prepared for is this while I'm camping:
I was planning to pack as light as possible (regarding food and gear) but I've made some revisions to that plan to pack lots of blankets and clothes to keep warm. We are still a few days out and we all know that forecasts change (often!) so I still need to be prepared even if they take snow off the table before I leave.
As you may have noticed from the first picture, I've finished the neutral quilt:
Chantal says my feet show the scale of the quilt. This is now laid out on my coffee table to await inspiration for the silhouette while I work on some other UFOs before my trunk show. Nothing is near completion so it's more about making progress on projects than finishing at this point. I was told to bring "everything" so progress is just as important.
The problem is...
...I have 7 doll quilts that need quilting but I'm not yet inspired to start quilting any of them. I've got the evening off from job#2 so I'm hoping something will inspire me tonight, if not tonight then maybe this weekend. Cross your fingers!
So - how's your weather? Is it typical October weather?
Tuesday, October 01, 2019
The Bibliophile Files - 10/1/19 says that I am still 4 books behind to finish 90 for the year. I'm not worried as this week and next are the busiest time for school taxes so I will hopefully get in a lot of listening time. I also have a 4 day trip to the Adirondacks coming up so that should be good for another 3 or 4 books. The weather is expected to be wet and downright cold at night. I am hoping to get in some hikes and peep some leaves but otherwise I'll hunker down with hexies. I know - you're shocked, my 2 favorite things. Well 3, if you count the books...
All Lined up - so not my kind of book (romance and football) but I needed a "u" book and this fit the bill well enough.
Accused - part of an excellent series
The Big Exit
Bad Monkey - I so love reading books about places where I've lived or visited. This book takes place in Key West/Miami and I just found out there is a second book in the "series" (There appears to only be 2 books - it takes 3 objects to be a collection but how many books to be a series?)
Dear Bob & Sue: Season 2 - I so love this series about travelling to the various national parks and monuments. It's filled with humor and real details for a girl that loves the outdoors and has a bucket list for hitting all 50 states. I just heard that Season 3 was released this year so I've already got my name on the waiting list for the audiobook.
Extraordinary Means - definitely one of my left over young adult books as it's about young love won and lost amongst teenagers sequestered in a rural hospital for drug resistant TB. Not a cheery book.
I'm happy to say that I've found all the books I'll need to finish my reading challenge! This is not to say that I won't change out a book if something isn't available when I need it. I've done it before and I'll do it again. Teehee.
What are you reading? Feel free to write about it in the comments below or link to a post on your blog. I'm sure we can all appreciate a good book recommendation.
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