Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Feline Friday - 9/29/17

Momma wants me to tell you what a bad good boy I've been!

A week ago, I came home with chew marks on my forehead and ear - I was protecting my 'hood!! Luckily everything healed nice and Momma didn't have to put me in the the P.T.U. to take me to the V.E.T.

Momma went camping again in the Adirondacks last weekend (and she hasn't even told you yet!). While she was gone Auntie Kristie and Unkle Tommy came to feed me.

To my right is the bell I ring when I want to go outside.
I'm such a smartie pants!

I tested the food box while waiting for their arrival. It appears that when the box is moved downstairs it is not very secure. I'll have my staff look in to that.

It's hard to see the lasso in my right hand
but it's there and it's fun to play with.

As a reward punishment for my hard work, Momma is having me practice with my new Halloween costume. I'm not yet pleased with how the jeans fit my legs but I did allow her to document the process.

I also defended my 'hood again last night. Momma kissed my scratched up nose but I wouldn't let her clean up the blood.

Momma says next time my reward punishment will be trying on both parts of my costume at the same time. I. Can't. Wait.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Feline Friday - 9/22/17

Ok, I admit that Momma put me in jail...

...but I know that if I'm patient enough...

...there will soon be laundry to keep me warm!

The anticipation is exhausting!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wednesday Weather Report #18, HeLP, Squishies & Christmas

Did all y'all miss me Sunday? Did you remember there should have been a HeLP post? I remembered way too late and then forgot again and then remembered again yet this is the first I've had time to post all week. I am sooooo ready for the "weekend" to get here...

77 - 73 - 77 - 79 - 81 - 82 - 77F

Squishy from Sharon with scraps for my secret-for-now project

Squishy from Chantal for my hexie fabric stash

Squishy from Julie with scraps for my secret-for-now project

Woohoo!! The top is done and I've opened out all the outside seam allowances.
It will be trimmed straight after I figure out how to quilt it.

This backing matched better in the store but I still kinda like it.
If I don't find anything better at the 2 stores I'll be going to this weekend
or in early October I'll go ahead with this one.

Yipp - my Christmas Cactus is getting ready for an early show.
This plant often blossoms three times a year if I ignore it properly.

Feel free to link your temperature quilt or any hexie project to our linky party today!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Feline Friday - 9/15/17

Momma keeps my water bowl in the tub cuz I like to play in the water.
After her shower I like to get in the tub and grab a sip.

I loves when Momma gives me a blow out after my drink!!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Design Wall Monday - 9/11/17

There was a lot of fighting for the space heater this weekend!
My house tends to stay on the cool side year round.
It's great in the summer but not in the fall or winter...

My first scrap package arrived on Saturday!!
Can you believe they are 100% different than my stash?
 I've got half of the strips cut and half of those stitched already.

Not sure what I'm talking about? Check out the bottom of this post

I didn't get far on the Kennel Quilts.
It appears I've got extra time tonight to work on them some more...

This doll quilt is nearly done. Woohoo!!
It needs half hexies along the right and full hexies along the bottom.
When the top/bottom are trimmed flat and it's quilted/washed it should fit perfectly.

Friday, September 08, 2017

Feline Friday - 9/8/17

It might look like I'm being a lazy Monkey but I'm really resting up so I can help Momma this
weekend. She's gonna need lots of snoopervison!!

Ya see...Harvey went to visit Texas and now Irma is gonna visit Florida.

(Momma lived in Miami for 14 years - long before I adopted her. It was after Andrew visited but she still got to visit with Katrina, Rita and 5 or 6 others).

Momma doesn't have money to donate but she found out that there are kitties and doggies who can use little quilts. They are called Kennel Quilts. Shelters put them in the bottom of cages or P.T.Us to make the kitties more comfortable. (Oh Yeah - you heard me - we ain't makin' no stinkin' dog quilts!)

Momma wants to make some this weekend. They are only 12 x 18" so it shouldn't be so hard.

Click here for:
More info
Free Patterns
Shelters that currently need Kennel Quilts - Sign up for their email list and learn about new shelter needs as they are added to the list.

Sew what do you think, my fellow felines?
Can anyone else snoopervise their staff into making some Kennel Quilts??

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Wednesday Weather Report #16

Yipp!! You read that right!
Report #16!!
That means we are officially 4 months into this project!!

Let's start with the forgotten picture from last Wednesday...

69 - 64 - 68 - 66 - 69 - 68 - 68
Last week I stated that this was the first monochromatic week of the project but it turns out I was wrong. Oopsies! It was the first week of all 60s but there had been an all 70s week that I forgot about.

Lots of variety this week:

71 - 63 - 58 - 65 - 66 - 76 - 62
Your eyes are NOT deceiving you - those are broccoli on my bright green hexie :)

Here is the last 16 weeks! Remember that the top row was left to right (starting May 17) and the second is right to left. We are now back to left to right.

Would you like to help me with a scrappy secret-for-now project? 

I'm working on a secret-for-now project for the next month and I'm looking to make it the scrappiest I possibly can. It's probably a long term project but I need to keep it secret for just a little while - how about I reveal my progress at our October HeLP? Is that fair?

If you have a few scraps that you can convince yourself to part with I would be forever grateful. Any color or genre fabric is game but the piece does need to be 2.5" x 7" for me to use it. That should fit nicely in a small envelope with a regular stamp.

Please email me for my address. THANK YOU!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

The Bibliophile Files - 9/5/17

Here's a quicky book report for the month - I'm back to doing taxes during my lunch hours so there is little time for blogging :(

I've now finished 69 of 90 books so far this year. Whoo Hoo!!! Goodreads says I'm actually 9 books AHEAD of schedule which is a miracle given that I can't remember the last time I listened to a book on my iPhone while going for a walk thanks to Mr Ankle...I miss walking. Whine. Whine. Whine.

     The Shack
     The Whiskey Sea
     Lady Killer
     The Last Child
     If I'm Found
     Sadako & the 1,000 Paper Cranes
     Crash & Burn
     The Dorito Effect

     Paperback - Our Family Quilt
     On my iPhone - In My Hands
     On my home stereo - The Museum of Innocence

And now it's your turn - what books have you read in the last month?!
Anything counts - novel, magazine, quilt pattern or cereal box!


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, September 01, 2017

Feline Friday - 9/1/17

Now that the weather is turning yellow and green, I've been spending more time inside with Momma, especially at night. I've snuggled with her every night this week - not just by her feet like when the Bleu monster lived here but in her arms and even next to her head last night. How come I've never slept at the head of the bed before?

Aren't my furs nice?
Just ignore the random grey hairs - must be from taking care of Momma

I also assisted Momma with taxes this week. She works very hard so sometimes she needs to be reminded to take a break now and then. Sometimes I have to get **real** close to make her take a break.

Sometimes I just sit nearby.

In return, Momma builds me a fort.

Life is good at Casa Grande!