Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wednesday Weather Report #93 - 2/27/19

It's too bad I'm not remembering to take photos of the other projects I've been working on  - I've got all the orange/red blocks done for Bonnie's Good Fortune mystery quilt and I'm prepping UFOs to take to a retreat so I can bang them out (Mackinac and Bonnie's rail fence leader/ender).

I've even done some reorganizing in my quilt lab including putting UFOs into shoe boxes for neater storage. If you remember' Bonnie's Diamond Tile blocks from last spring, I finally got 32 blocks sewn into a top and I just need to decide on borders. Once I get those borders decided I can remove a box from the pile!

But mostly my life is hexies - keeping up with the weather hexies every week and making lots of progress on Mr Serious. I spent most of the last weekend on the couch stitching and watching the last season of Mr Selfridge. I guess it was a good thing I rested when I did because I now seem to be getting sick for the first time in a loooooong time. Ugh.

I suppose the changes in the weather aren't helping...

February 20-26, 2019
32 - 37 - 33 - 39 - 50 - 21 - 19 F

Yes - This past Sunday was a high of 50F at 1pm but that was before the temps dropped nearly 20 degrees in 2 hours for a big storm to blow in. Luckily we did not get the Cat 1 hurricane force winds that were predicted but the massive temperature changes are not helping people's health...

February 1-26, 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Past Halfway

It's been nearly a month since I added an updated photo of Mr Serious but if you check the link to my project progress page you'll see that I've made considerable progress in that time.

In fact, you can now see an arm beginning to take shape :)

I think within a couple weeks I could have the bottom section the same width as the top.

And THAT means I can start cutting into the yellow for the top right of the project. Woohoo for new colors!!

I now have 1,226 hexies completed!!
And that leaves just 1,101 more to go.........

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wednesday Weather Report #92 - 2/20/19

This week's weather has been pretty similar to last week. In fact it was kinda boring - no yellows or greens. LOL.

February 13-19, 2019
26 - 36 - 36 - 27 - 25 - 20 - 21 F

February 1-19, 2019

Because I have nothing to do with my spare time, I've decided to start another hexie project.
OK, you can stop laughing now!

I've decided to do a temperature quilt for the year I was born!!!  Woohoo!!!

I'll be using the average temp for each day since Weather Underground only has the min/max/ave temps available and not the 1pm temp as I'm using for my current quilts.

My first concern was what fabric to use as I haven't decided if my current quilts will continue with Grunge or switch to something else. On the advice of a friend, I'm going to try to find fabric from the 70s to use. Today I was talking to someone about the florals and bold patterns that will probably be too large scale for the papers so I might just need to use the colors of the 70s. I've been gifted some old fabric so I'll have to see what I can find in those bins.

My other concern is whether I should do a quilt that matches my current quilt schedule (June to May) or do I do the first year of my life (January to December). I'm really leaning towards January to December even tho it won't exactly match with my current quilts for comparison.

I've also decided to look for buttons that can be added to certain dates on all of the quilts (cake for birthday, tree for Christmas, etc). Which will make comparisons that much easier. If you have a favorite button source I would love to hear about it.

And now it's your turn - How's your weather?

What was the temp on the day you were born? It was 8F on my birthday in 1971.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Feline Friday - 2/15/19

Momma has been remiss in posting updates on my pawtrait lately despite working like a mad banshee on it daily.

I guess she had planned to bring the parts to work today to photograph on the tile floor but then her hands were full. Something about cherry brownies for her coworkers. Hello? No brownies for me?!?

Despite Momma's lapse I will share the photo of me and my pawtrait taken back on 1/20/19. I think it's a spectacular likeness so far!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday Weather Report #91 - 2/13/19

While not as crazy as last week, this week was pretty stable temperature wise.
Don't worry tho, we are expecting 40s before this weekend to get back to the crazy.

February 6 - 12, 2019
35 - 35 - 23 - 22 - 26 - 26 - 30 F

February 1-12, 2019

So, as some of you discovered, InLinz has changed their linky party software. It appears that you will need to create an account in order to link up to any future parties. On the plus side this is supposed to then allow you to log into your account and look up all the parties you are linked to and find new parties.

I say "appears" because as the party organizer, I see a totally different view than the rest of you. Any insighe from y'all would be greatly appreciated.

Friday, February 08, 2019

Feline Friday - 2/8/19

Zorro says: I spy lots of birds!

Momma says: I spy lots of toe beans :)

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Wednesday Weather Report #90 - 2/6/19

We've been on a wild and colorful weather roller coaster for the last week!!

January 30-31, 2019: 2 - 6 F
February 1-5, 2019: 10 - 35 - 51 - 60 - 38 F

I pulled out last year's quilt top and just as we have had more hot days so far this quilt, we have also now had more cold days! Last year we only had 3 pink days yet we have now had 4 so far this year! Of course there is still plenty of winter left to survive go...

Someday I'll prioritize not just quilting last year's quilt but counting the number of days for each color. I may not like math but I like numbers and this kind of stuff just appeals to me.

June 1, 2018 - February 5, 2019

How has your weather been? Today we have freezing rain and it will be back to the 20s for this weekend. I guess Phil was right for a couple days!

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

The Bibliophile Files - 2/5/19

Hello and welcome to this months Bibliophile Files - a monthly list of the books I've read.

     The Night Circus - magic is not my usual genre which explains why this book felt too long.
     All the Missing Girls - This book was just 'eh' for the longest time I struggled with the reverse order of the book...until you read why it's in reverse order. There clearly wouldn't have been as much suspense in chronological order but it just felt drawn out as written.
     Dear Bob and Sue - a fantastic, humorous look at visiting all of the National Parks. Even more fun was their take on the parks I have been too. I'm looking forward to reading their follow up book.
     A Gathering of Secrets
     The War That Saved My Life - about the children of a delinquent mother evacuated during WWII
     Blond Hair, Blue Eyes -  a nice quick little precursor book to Pretty Girls which I have now requested from the library.
     The Bookshop of Yesterdays

     On my iPhone: The War I Finally Won
     On my home stereo: Burn

And now it's your turn! What have you read recently?
Anything is game: novel, magazine, quilt pattern or cereal box.

Friday, February 01, 2019

Feline Friday - 2/1/19



Let's calm down while I call this meeting to order.

Hi! My name is Zorro and I have Cabin Fever.

Why don't we go around the circle and all y'all can introduce yourselves?!