I can't remember how long I have been stopping by
Vicki's Blog but back in January she committed to at least 6 months of Thankful Thursday giveaways on her blog. They have ranged from her hand dyed fabrics to duplicate books from her library. Back at the
beginning of March Vicki offered an antique toy sewing machine and I finally decided to give it a try and left a comment hoping to win.
I was quite excited the next week to find out that I had won - that never happens. LOL.
Denise wins everything. Bwahahahahah.
The sewing machine arrived earlier this week and I am pretty sure it's a chain stitch machine. You know how you pull on the thread to open a bag of cat food? That's a chain stitch. Vicki had kindly threaded the machine for me but I've now broken the thread in playing with it (YES, it works!!) and have to figure out how to rethread it. I'll get it eventually :)
Thank you Vicki - it was a wonderful surprise for what has turned out to be a loooooog week with not much sewing.
Congratulations on a super win!
Mega PRIZE! As they say 'You have to be in it to win it!'. Enjoy experimenting.
Well how fun is that! Can't believe she parted with it
*LOL* Love your comment about Denise. So true (We love you, Denise!)
What a fun win! I'm sure you will figure it out.
Congratulations on winning this great little sewing machine. What fun!
You are right, it is a chain stitch machine and I always had trouble with it when I tried sewing on it. That's why it was a display machine! :-)
I am sure it just needs some TLC to get it working. Enjoy it!
Lovely win. It makes a great conversation piece, even if you don't sew on it.
Yes, that is a chain stitcher hand crank! I've been wanting one! Do you the brand of the machine or anything? Are you one FB? Join Mad for Treadles and someone might have a manual to share or be able to help.
BTW, some ladies were talking about making their quilts on their chain stitch!
You lucky girl......
Have fun playing.
HEY! I obviously *don't* win everything! You and Janet are picking on me!! LOL!! Congrats on a terrific win -- how FUN that is!!! :)
... oops ... wrong post ...
A chain stitch machine ? I want one!
Lucky you!
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