Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Feline Friday - 7/31/15

Look!!! Momma finally finished her denim hexie pillow!! Ain't it purrrrrrty on the faded black denim?

The hexies are from a birthday exchange at her hexie club 2 years ago. She's already started working on a project for the B&W chyrsanthemum pieces she will recieve this January but doesn't know what she'll do with the batik diamonds from last year yet.

Zorro also decided that he likes it...

...after rigorous testing of course!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 7/27/15

Dang! How did it get to be almost August already??!!

On Saturday part of our hexie club did a demo at the local Farmers' Market. We handed out many free kits and several people tried it right then and there. There is at least 1 new hexiologist in the world because she came into the store while I was working Sunday and bought a bunch of supplies to make several Christmas presents. Woo Hoo! She has been invited to attend out monthly meetings so I hope she comes.

I spent the rest of the weekend working on projects for the fair. This girl loves a deadline and with the fair in less then two weeks we are definitely in deadline mode! I'm pretty sure this is the furthest behind I have been in years.

I started these blocks in Bonnie Hunter's class last October. I have all the star blocks sewn together and the 2 end borders are almost done. I think the table runner will be about 15" x 48" when it's done. I picked a green for the background but I have yet to pick binding fabric yet.

You can see the green for the runner in the rear left, under the remaining 2" of gold.

And I spent a lot of time stitching this dolly quilt (for the doll/cat bed!!) - it's too bad my math skills stink and I didn't have enough hexies basted to finish last night. Maybe if I blow off mowing the yard yet again, I can finish tonight. ..

Friday, July 24, 2015

Feline Friday

Momma!!! I'm trying to take a little bath!!

There is NO reason to document that my furry tookus is wedged between the straw bale and blue recycle bin to accomplish this feat.

 You could have at least washed my paw prints off the window before taking this embarrassing photo to share with all your bloggy friends. harrumph.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Random ADK photos

This was the view in my backyard the day I left - I love foggy mornings with sun rays.

I finally treated myself to some fancy balsamic vinegar at The Oil Well (in Old Forge) for one of my fav camping (or anytime) salads: tomato and fresh mozzarella. The proprietor suggested original or fig. No way was I spending that kinda money for plain so I went with fig and haven't looked back yet. Yum! Not sure this bottle will last me until next summer! Next I'm getting the black cherry...

I found this sculpture on a walk around the campground and couldn't resist smiling and some photos.

I'm not sure I even want to know what this bug was but y'all should know that the squares on the table cloth are about an inch. Also, you should know he never came back. Phew.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Home from the ADK

Did y'all miss me last week??!! Ha ha! Prob not...
I ran off for my annual 10 days in the Adirondack Mts.!!

I went on 7/10, Mom & Dad came up on 7/12 and my brother's family came up on 7/16. Not my usual solitude in the woods but I might have gotten even more miles in than if I was there by myself. I think I only completely skipped hiking or climbing on my second to last day. Funny thing was, it was cool and damp when I woke up early so I took my camp chair in the tent to listen to audio books and do hexies but opened the window a bit. When my nephews first got up, not knowing that I was also up, went out on their bikes and circled back thru our site to theirs. For probably an hour they would stop at my window every time they circled around. Drive-by entertainment!!

I'll post pictures later this week or next, after getting caught up at home and work, but I thought I would start you with my welcome home...

"Momma - you will NOT be leaving again any time soon unless you pack me too!"

Friday, July 17, 2015

Feline Friday - 7/17/15 - HeLP for Hexie-aholics

Yes - you read that right, it's one of the few times each year that two of my favorite linky parties happen on the same day!

On the Fourth of July I went to Angelica, NY for their annual Lavender Festival. It's an expanded farmers' market with veggies, flowers, food and arts/crafts. Basically, anything to deal with, or be converted to deal with, lavender. It was my first visit to Angelica or the Fest and I plan to go again next year!

The highlight of the day was actually browsing the cute little antique/vintage shops.

For years I've been looking for an antique doll bed to use as a cat bed. It had to be low to the ground and sturdy enough to hold a certain sturdy cat, altho Squeaky's name shall be withheld, but I also wanted character. Well I found it for a steal of just $12!!!! Ok, so it' needs a good sanding and re-painting but look how cute.

I knew immediately that it would need a doll/cat quilt and I just happened to have a few UFOs to choose from! I've decided to finish this RWB diamond by adding WOW hexies to make it into a rectangle. I might add another flower hexie to each corner...or I might not. I am also seriously considering a diagonal RWB strip binding. I have an appropriate fabric but it's not a 100% match on the dark blue so I'm still thinking.

In the meantime, I grabbed an old bed pillow (so this is why there are several in the closet?!) and a cupcake pillowcase and gave the felines a little lesson in sleeping in their own bed.

Squeaky is in love with the bed and spends hours there.

Zorro needs a further lesson in head versus foot boards.

Midgie prefers to sit in a tiny corner of her little box. Too each their own...

Since we are having "two" linky parties today, feel free to link up separate posts with your favorite felines and or your favorite EPP project. Bonus points to any links with felines and hexies!!

Have a fantastic weekend!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A successful F.A.R.T!!

Yip - I was recently able to go on a successful Fabric Acquisition Road Trip that had some other fun activities thrown in for good measure.

I started the day by day by driving to Naples where I hiked through part of Glen Cove to get to this gorgeous water fall. This was apparently the lower falls but with the recent rains and the only way to the upper falls being to walk in the creek, I'll have to go back another day to see Upper Falls.

I loved this old tree hanging over the creek. Even better was the house just past the tree. Can you imagine having this fun little park literally in your back yard?! The sound of the rushing water was quite soothing.

Next stop was Carriage Quilts - a cute little 2 story quilt shop I had never been to. I picked up my Row by Row pattern and a few fat quarters.

My next stop was going to be Penn Yan to take my Bernina in for service but I got waylayed!! How could I pass a stop at Hazlitt's Red Cat Winery??!! Yes - I tasted and I bought. I also climbed the mountain path where the vines used to be when the winery was started. I'm sure it's much easier now that they are all on the valley floor.

In Penn Yan I was able to stop at The Windmill (an outdoor farm and craft market) that is generally only open on Saturdays but it was open special for 7/3/15. I also went to the new location of Golden Lane Fabrics, a Mennonite run fabric store. Quilt stores in Mennonite country sell quilts and no fabric. I learned this the hard way my first trip to Penn Yan.

On the way home I finally stopped at Bath National Cemetery. I had no idea what to expect, even tho I had been to Arlington many years ago, but it was a nice pleasant drive through a huge cemetery. I only wish there had been parking spots so I could walk around.

And now for the fabrics...I had 2 goals and I finished them both!

I finally found a border fabric for my Value Proposition quilt!!! There was a lighter blue fabric that matched my sashing perfectly but it just kinda washed out. This fabric actually matches all my teals perfectly in real life and adds some life to the border area. I'm still working on binding fabric...

And last but not least - I needed (ok, wanted) more hexie fabrics for my I-spy quilt. I almost missed the turtles (in the baby section) and the soccer balls (in a sea of black and whites). For some reason I was drawn to the orange but it also comes in 2 or 3 other colors. Maybe the next time I get back to Material Dreams, which was my last stop of the day for one more Row pattern, just 15 minutes before they closed.

Phew. It was a long day of driving, walking and shopping but my fitbit was pleased! As I told Denise, who knew that window shopping was good for you?!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Feline Friday - 7/10/15

Momma - you oughta find the weed killer before we lose the driveway...or your silver wheels.

Zorro - if you fling that beautiful fluffy tail in my face again I'm going in to attack mode, weeds or not.

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

The Bibliophile Files - 7/7/15

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Today's book report will be short and sweet - I've got a walk to take :)

Bones Never Lie
A Superior Death
The Game
Quaker Cafe
Cuba Straights
Dirty Work
Sudden Prey
The Assassin

I'm starting Mad Women: the other side of life on Madison Avenue

Your turn, my friends! What have you been reading?? Anything is fair game: a novel, a magzaine, a new quilt pattern book or even a cereal box...


1. Denise :)  

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Friday, July 03, 2015

Feline Friday - 7/3/15


He's on my favorite ottoman but I was here first and he's TOUCHING meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!