Hello my fellow hexiologists!!! For today's
Party I'm going to finally reveal my secret-for-now project!!!
Background: several months ago I was asked to do a trunk show for Patchwork Gardens in East Amherst. Their store has a monthly hexie class and they tend to focus on one paper shape each month. I was asked to pick my favorite shape that I could demo after the trunk show. After stating that picking a favorite shape is worse than picking a favorite child, I quickly picked the jewel which is the main element in my
Salt & Pepper project.
Once we had picked a shape, I thought maybe I should have some other projects to share with the same shape. I really like to have more than one purpose once I've spent my money on the papers - I was sure the girls would agree.
That's when I put out the
word that I was hoping people would be willing to share a couple scrap strips with me. I really wasn't expecting more than just a few strips from each person, something that a 49cent stamp would mail. Instead I was overwhelmed with generosity!! Here's the last packages:
These little beauties came all the way from Jo in Australia!!
I've cut into some of the strips but not the larger cat or Australia fabrics yet. |
These came from Janet O.
I just had to make up the Star Wars heart ASAP because it's so NOT Janet.
She's since sent me a couple more pieces of SW fabric. |
This large package came from Donna in Florida - she apologized to having to delay their
sending until after the hurricane passed. Not. A. problem.
Donna - I hope you'll post a comment sometime!!
There is actually yardage in this package - I'll cut the bits I need for this project and use the rest for Kennel Quilts. |
Phew - that's a lot of fabric for everyone to share!!! And can you believe that there was not a single duplicate among the donations or my own scraps? That's unbelievable.
So - did you figure out what I'm working on? Maybe
this give you a clue?
I'm making jewel hearts!
The original idea was to make a "large" size quilt using just the hearts but I decided that it was just too busy to "see" all the scrappy fabrics.
I decided that I would separate the hearts with neutral honeycombs so that the hearts would be more defined. On Friday, I was laying out some of the hearts with the honeycombs for a friend and realized the honeycombs won't fit - they are the same 1" sides as a hexie but different angles. I'll need to use hexagons. Thankfully I only had 6 or 8 honeycombs finished. Oopies.
I've tried to see if I could create a box type shape with the hearts but I haven't gotten it to work yet so it appears I'll be doing my first strippy quilt.
What do you think?? I hope everyone who donated fabric is happy with the project!
And now it's your turn. What projects are you working on? Secret or otherwise?
Any paper shape or vintage project is fair game.