Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wednesday Weather #28, Clue #1 and a new project

Have you ever been in a blogging slump that you just can't drag yourself out of? While I worked at my fall seasonal job during my lunches I restricted my blogging to the bare bones. That job is 99.9% over but I haven't found my mojo just yet. I'll skip all the excuses and just say that here's a little catch up and hopefully that mojo will show up over the weekend...

46 - 40 - 35 - 46 - 40 - 33 - 53F

This is my missing rosette from last week. I had thought that the top right hexie would be another dark green, making a neat design for the colors but Mother Nature surprised me.

34 - 32 - 52 - 52 - 34 - 40 - 60F
And this was this week's weather. That yellow was a total surprise but let me tell you it was a great day for decorating our office building with a slight breeze and gorgeous clear blue skies.

I've added the sashing to 2 or three of these blue rosettes for Mickey's On The Road project. It dawned on me that I may not want to make the quilt as big as Mickey's so I'm trying to sash up all the finished blue rosettes so I can lay them out and see what I really have so far. I've got 2 more to add grey sashing and 3 or 4 to add white. It's a slow going process but great for watching DVDs. I'm currently watching Wayward Pines Season 1. It's got M. Night Shyamalan's name all over it. Love that guy.

I'm sure no one (Janet!?) is surprised to hear that I've started a new project and I "mustache" you if you like it??!!? LOL. Have you seen the new Brimfield Block papers from paperpieces.com? I was on a FART with Lisa last Friday and we just couldn't get over this Santa fabric so I pulled a couple FQs and just fell in love with this. I have yet to stitch this, saving it for after the bazaar I am doing this weekend. Actually, I always take a hexie project to work on at bazaars so maybe this will be the one...

And last, but not least, I did my Bonnie Mystery Clue #1 blocks last weekend. I'm am currently making half the needed blocks until I see the final layout and then I can decide exactly how many bits I need for a smaller quilt.

For anyone joining today from Bonnie's Mystery linky party - I host a weekly Wednesday Weather Report linky for anyone working on a weather quilt. We would love to have you join in our project - let me know if you would like details or check out this link.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Feline Friday - 11/24/17

Momma says she can tell the weather has changed:

#3 - I've been cuddling with Momma in bed at night. I even slept on her lap this morning while she stitched some hexies. She didn't even move when her DVD ended.

#2 - It takes me several tries before I convince myself to go outside in the mornings. It's cold out there when my precious tootsies step on that white stuff...

#1 - Momma says I only use the crows nest in the tower that GrandPoppa made me when it's cold.

Momma's so smart!
Winter has arrived and it looks like it's going to stay...

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wednesday Weather Report #27 - 11/22/17

Oh. My. God. I just, like 2 seconds ago, remembered that I didn't take a picture of my temperature rosette this morning. I sooooooooo need this four day weekend to happen like now. Anyone want to tell my boss we should close early today? There won't be any customers! They're all on vacation. I'll be donating blood after work so it's for a good cause if I get to leave earlier. Anyone? Anyone?

I'll share both rosettes next week. I promise!

That bottom left fabric was part of the FART but not for the
mystery - the dark green is for my temp quilt.

I'm ready for Friday's release of clue #1 for Bonnie's annual mystery quilt after going on a recent FART. When I mix these with my stash I should have a decent variety. I'm going to do the same as I did last year - make half of the required bits for each clue and when she reveals the final design make what else I need to fill out a a smaller quilt.

I'm slowly making progress on my jewel hearts. I'm hoping to have some time this weekend to cut more from my donated scraps.

Happy Thanksgiving from Z and me!

FART = fabric acquisition road trip

Friday, November 17, 2017

HeLP for Hexie-aholics and Feline Friday - 11/17/17

Hello! Hello! It's one of those rare days where HeLP and Feline Friday fall on the same day!! Welcome to hexie-ologists and Z Fan Club members alike.

Momma has been very busy sewing things for a church bazaar tomorrow. One of the things she was making this week was catnip toys. Can you believe she was working on them while I was outside? What if I had wanted some 'nip?? Luckily she gave me the tray and the bowl to lick out when she finally finished. Well, it was that or I was going to help myself and she knew it...

Yo duuuuude - that was some crazy good 'nip!

Do all y'all remember when the Squeakster did a PSA on using 'nip? I didn't until after the fact either...

Wanna see Momma's design wall when she's been around 'nip? 

Isn't it craycray busy? She claims it's cuz her brain works faster than her fingers. Seems like an excuse to me.

I think she wants me to tell you that the important part of today's picture is the progress on the temp quilt. She passed the half way mark a couple days ago. Did a little happy dance and everything. 

Ok now, my feline lovin' hexie-ologist friends - time to link up your favorite feline (well, other than me of course) and your latest hexie project. Extra 'nip for you if there is a feline in your hexie photo!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Weekly Wednesday Weather Report #26 - 11/15/17

Do you realize that today marks the half way point for this little project? I can't believe it either!
Is it too early to start planning next year's temperature quilt??!!

I am soooo in love with this week's colors. Not only did we welcome dark purple to the family (and our first snow!!) but I just love green and purple together. The blues were a nice contrast.

I would like to think we will be spending more time in blue and purple (it is the middle of November after all and just 40 days to Christmas) but we are expecting 40s and rain this week. The "big" storm next week is still up for debate...

44 - 47 - 20 - 29 - 38 - 40 - 39F

Friday, November 10, 2017

Feline Friday - 10/11/17

My Momma is usually a pretty smart cookie but I think I won that award last night...

Before Momma fell asleep on the couch it was rainy and windy but it was ok cuz I was tucked into my chair all cozy in my quilt.

Eventually Momma woke up and went to bed. At last! I had downstairs all to myself.

Not 15 minutes after Momma crawled into her bed with those new red plaid flannel sheets that look so good with my furs did that siren go off. Normally I would run for the door and have a little middle of the night escapade until she came home. No way last night!! There was white stuff on the ground! Brrrrrrrr! I'll stay inside this time Momma!

Snow blowing off the roof at the ER
Before the plows sand the roads
When Momma came home she returned to those lovely plaid sheets but I was worried she was too cold cuz it was only 20F outside and she doesn't have a fur coat.  I thought I should do my part to get her warmed up so I planted my backside right up against her face. I took up half the pillow to accomplish this but I was persistent when she tried to move my furs out of her nose.

The pear tree is still GREEN!

In the morning we had a good view through the upstairs window/screen so I once again decided to stay inside while Momma ventured out to the ortho doctor for Mr Cranky Ankle and then to work. I think I scored again cuz I am home alone and warm and cozy! I'm sure I can get that food box open if I start to starve before she gets home...

PS - Thank you to all those veterans who gave of their time and lives in service for our country!

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Wednesday Weather Report #25

No - your eyes do not deceive you - we've finally dropped down into another color...
Welcome to the family Dark Blue!

40 - 60 - 49 - 47 - 54 - 42 - 39F

Rumor is we will drop another color or TWO come Friday. I'm excited cuz they are also calling for an inch of the white stuff!! Woohoo!

 Don't worry tho, we'll be back into dark green next week.

What colors are you experiencing this week?

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Tuesday, November 07, 2017

The Bibliophile Files - 11/7/17

Hello and welcome to The Bibliophile Files!!

Goodreads.com says that I am 9 books ahead of schedule for finishing 90 books this year. I'm fairly certain that I can finish the 5 needed books in the next couple of weeks since I am in Christmas Bazaar production mode and love to listen to books while I sew. Well hold on...I just picked up an audiobook with 32 CDs so it might take me more than a couple weeks. No matter, I've got a bunch of sewing time coming up and then of course the end of December has a lot of time to work on town taxes. I just might finish 100 books this year! Now wouldn't that be something considering I was behind schedule for the first half of the year...

     Pirate - love this series!
     One Safe Place
     Metamorphosis - uhhh. This one is weird.
     The Couple Next Door - Fantastic book!!! Lots of twists and turns.
     The Cutthroat
     Airborn - a nice YA story that I just found out is part of a trilogy...
     Port Mortuary
     Wedding Cake Murder

     Of Beast and Beauty
     The Absent One - I'm giving this series a 2nd chance...

And now it's your turn to share what you have read recently. Anything counts: novels, magazines, quilt patterns and cereal boxes!


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, November 03, 2017

Feline Friday - 11/3/17

This is what Momma calls my "I Love Momma" face.

This is what **I** call my "Look at what I'm getting away with" face!

It's like this...Momma has this silly rule that I, as a mostly black cat, absolutely CANNOT go outside on Halloween. She's worried about hoodlums but I've got peeps to see and kibble to hunt & gather.

I tried every trick in my book to get her to throw me outside. It's worked before but I just couldn't find the right button to push this time. I scratched at her vintage lamp shade. I rubbed on and broke off more of her peach Christmas cactus. I pushed things. I whined. I rang the bell off the hook. I even had a total meltdown when she tried to put that silly costume on me.

I admit it wasn't pretty but I. Wanted. Outside.

Eventually I tried sitting on the kitchen counter. I am never allowed on the counters but she thought that this was the lesser of all evils and left me alone after taking my beauty shot. Really?

I later forgave Momma and woke her up at 3am to snuggle. I'm pretty sure she was happy to see me, especially when I wanted to sleep next to her head on the pillow. I just couldn't help myself...I love my Momma!

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Wednesday Weather Report #24

Why yes! 
There has (finally) been a shift in the weather...

50 - 47 - 60 - 57 - 42 - 47 - 40

Yesterday and today were both on the brink of a new color. Yesterday there were even snow flakes in the air (but not on the ground). At this rate, I might not need to cut too many more bright or dark green scraps.

But wait - tomorrow will be 60!

Exactly...we don't know what to do with this weather either...