Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Bibliophile Files - 12/31/17

When nobody complained that I didn't post Bibliophile Files during the great no-internet-debacle at the beginning of December, I decided to post this at the end of the year for a more accurate count. What I didn't consider is that my January post is going to be pretty lean but it's too late now...

I finished my year by reading 97  98 books!! Not bad when I worried the first half of the year that I was behind schedule to finish my goal of 90 books. (Updated at 5:30 today with another finish!)

On the other hand, I didn't finish my reading challenge for the year. It wasn't lengthy with just 26 book but the topics to pick were no where near my norms. And lets be honest - I didn't try super hard to finish the challenge. It's 80% finished so I'll just finish it in early 2018 and call it "good enough for who it's for".

     The Absent One - This is the second book in the Department Q series. I had read the first book but apparently hadn't been enthralled enough to add it to my "book binder" for future reading options. The series has now been added to the binder as I really enjoyed this book.
     A Fountain Filled With Blood - another new series about a lady minister who had been in the military. The series is set in my favorite Adirondack Mountains.
     Of Beast & Beauty - a new take on an old favorite: Beauty and the Beast
     Camino Island
     In a Dry Season
     A Long Way Home - I read the book after watching the movie "Lion". Fantastic true story about a "lost" child in India who is adopted by an Aussie family and then searches for his roots. Movies are never quite the same as the book but I think these 2 compliment each other quite nicely.
     Pillars of the Earth - At first I cursed the person who recommended this book (audiobook is 32 CDs!!) but then I was so into it that I ordered the second book in the series to find it's 36 CDs. Thankfully a new book only appears in this series every 10 years or so.
     Blue Screen
     #1 Ladies Detective Agency
     Dead Wrong

     On my home stereo - Breaking Silence
     On my iPhone - The Cuban Affair

And now it's your turn! What did you read in the last month? Was there one book that stuck out for you this year? Something that you wished you had gotten to but didn't? Any suggestions for books or a 2018 Reading Challenge would be great to share as well. Don't forget anything counts for your BF Report - a novel, a magazine, a quilt pattern or a cereal box!


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, December 29, 2017

Feline Friday - 12/29/17

You may recall that the week between Santy Claws and New Year's Day has Momma working at home in the evenings to prepare town tax bills for work. 

I generally try to help her by sitting on a box of the bills to hold them in place but this year I have a bit of a tummy bug so I'm kinda laying low. 

Really low - like on the floor heater vent.
Don't worry tho - I'm still snoopervising cuz Momma is only 3 steps away.

Sometimes it's more fun to sit in the Window Box and have Momma tuck me in.
She's good to me like that!

Happy New Year's and we'll see all y'all next year!!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Wednesday Weather Report #32 - 12/27/17

12 bowl cozies

For Christmas this year, I made everyone (including myself!!!!) one of the now popular bowl cozies in fabric to match a hobby or preference of each person.

Dad's first thought was that maybe it was an individualized yarmulka with the Wendy's key tag as a Minnie Pearl decoration. Only family...

Christmas Day was run run run: shovel the drive to get out and then run to Mom & Dad's. I was about to run home for a shower before off to the next party when we had an MVA thanks to the icky weather so that meant a run for the ambulance. Then it was actually off to my brother's house.

We had an excellent dinner and fun exchanging gifts.

The drive home was pretty harrowing. It was snowing about 3"/hour and at some point the DOT had pulled the plows off the roads for their safety. Hello? What about the schmucks driving through 6" of snow and there were no tracks to follow???!!!

The 20 minute drive home took about 35 minutes, which I guess isn't too bad. The photo above was taken at 10:08 Monday night. I had been home about 3 minutes when don't you know - it stopped snowing.

I again shoveled out again Tuesday morning. It looks like we got about 15" total. It's currently sunny and blue skies but the lake effect storm warning continue through this evening.

Even Zorro admits that he might have dreamed a little too hard for a White Christmas but he was happy to be snuggled in his Window Box watching Birdie Vision. You'll notice the snow piled on top of the birdfeeder again and hopefully you can spot at least one of the 3 goldfinches in the feeder.

As far as my temperature hexies...I've nearly completed stitching last week's rosette but I have done nothing this week other than pull new dark purples to add some variety. I am pretty sure that tomorrow I'll be pulling out a brand new color!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wednesday Weather Report #31 - 12/20/17

Did you miss me this week? It's been crazy! Friday was shopping day in the city. Saturday and part of Sunday were busy sewing gifts and cutting for the latest Ringo clue. The rest of the week has been work and parties.

My boss wore his new tie yesterday so I'll take that as a thumbs up! The fabric is kale which is as close to lettuce as I could find. One of his side businesses is to grow leaf lettuce in a 'high tunnel' - he then sells it in a road side stand and to several local restaurants.

Lemme just tell you the directions for this tie pattern were the worst that I have ever seen. At some point I just started winging it because they were so bad. Ugh.

I've cut all I need to make half the Ringo bits for this week. Those piles aren't exactly the same height. I hope I counted them correctly...

I've even sewed a little but that's mostly delayed until after I'm finished getting ready for Christmas.
If you hope over to Bonnie's linky party you can see who else is working on the same mystery.

It also snowed a little on Saturday. Wink.
What was that? You can't quite tell how much snow from that picture?

Is this better? Yipp. It snowed a little...

Zorro came outside to snoopervise while I cleaned up the driveway after a neighbor surprised me by plowing most of it while I walked to the post office :)

He is not a happy camper when it's cold and snowy but he was happy to be tucked in after his morning escapade.

And yet with all the hustle and bustle (I've survived 5 of 8 parties so far this week) I have been a little remiss in working on my weather rosette. I'm sure all y'all can understand how a girl can get behind...

16 - 16 - 25 - 25 - 22 - 39 - 45F
Yes those temps are correct. And my yard?

We are back to this. Boo! So much for my White Christmas...

PS - For anyone new joining today, say from Bonnie's Linky party, my Wednesday Weather Report Linky is a place for anyone also making a weather related EPP quilt to link up. Each of the participants has created a colored thermometer and picked a time each day to check the temperature. Depending on the temp we make a hexie in the appropriate color and add it to the rosette. My "week" is Wednesday to Tuesday but everyone has put their spin on the project. If you are also a hexie-ologist, we would love to have you join in the fun!!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Feline Friday - 12/15/17

Ooh baby it's cold outside!

It's a little too hot when the heat machine is running.

But it's perfect after the heat machine has stopped.

Hmm...maybe my sissy did have a good idea about these heat grates...

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wednesday Weather Reports #29 and #30

As all y'all will recall (say that 10x fast!!) ... I didn't have internet at work last week which put a terrible stop to my lunch time blogging.

Last week's weather report was pretty warm for December. But don't worry - we are making up for it today when I'll be welcoming a new color to the family! You'll see next week...

last week's report / #29
40 - 48 - 45 - 43 - 48 - 46 - 48F

34 - 31 - 32 - 35 - 28 - 26 - 23F
Now that was more like December...!!!

How is your weather so far this year? Normal? Warmer or Cooler?

Don't forget, HeLP is this Sunday!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Quilty weekend

Woohoo!! I've got internet back at work - it was 3 of the longest days possible without internet radio to fill the silence. Zorro even got a fan letter that he was missed on Feline Friday. He was pretty chuffed.

Anyway - I spent every spare moment this weekend cutting and stitching. I had a blast to work on something for ME, even tho the need to work on gifts kept nagging me.

I spent Friday evening cutting fabric - first I wanted to cut the neutral and coral strips needed to make Bonnie's Mystery Clue #3. Then I cut the strips needed to make Straits of Mackinac, another Bonnie pattern. I've been collecting turquoise fabrics for some time to make Mackinac and it worked out great that the mystery is also using turquoise. I'll be thinking of a different name for my quilt but I'm not inspired yet...

Saturday I took all my strips to guild sit-n-sew to subcut for Clue #3 and for Mackinac. I probably would have made a little more progress on cutting if I had double checked my drawing. I cut the neutrals for the tri part of the tri-recs. I wasted a lot of fabric recutting them into the recs part. Live & learn!

I was also texting with a friend who was saying something to the effect of hoping to not lose track while cutting up to a high number. I've shared this before but I'll share it again...

If I were actually counting - this would be 140 pieces.

I use antique thimbles to count what I've cut. a thimble on it's side is 5 and standing up is 10. A button is 100. It's easy for me and I get to enjoy the vintage/antique thimbles, most of which don't even fit my pinky finger.

I did a little grocery shopping after guild and then spent the evening on the couch working on hexies. I watched Spare Parts. I love true movies!

Sunday morning was housework and then a work related Christmas party but I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening back in the quilt lab.

First I had to finish pressing Clue #2.

Then I had to sew and press Clue #3. Don't forget to check out the linky party today!!!

Am I the only person with a callus from ironing? I've had the callus on my hand for a while and never thought about it but with all the ironing with my (heavy on purpose) iron it was irritating the callous. Who knew...

I've got quite a little pile of bits for the mystery quilt so far. I'm excited for clue #4 but I really need to work on some gifts this week.

In the meantime I'll keep plugging away at my Mackinac blocks...lots of pressing to do...

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

No internet = no blogging

The internet at my office isn’t working so I won’t be able to blog until I can figure out what the problem is.

My real struggle today is that I work (mostly) alone and listen to the radio online. It’s very, very, very quiet today ☹️

Monday, December 04, 2017

Design Wall Monday - 12/4/17

It was another busy weekend (I know you've never heard that before on my blog) some of it a total waste of time and some rather useful.

Friday started with a doctor's appointment - the doc was 45 minutes late and I was the first patient. Totally annoying. I made a quick run to the closest Joann's (45 mins away) for some wrapnzap to make soup bowl cozies as gifts and then back home to continue sewing for Saturday's Bazaar.

I really needed a "higher" display piece to the middle but I'll remember for next time

Despite lots of advertising to the students/parents and a nice mix of crafts and vendors there were very few shoppers. The weather was nice and I don't know of any other local events so I'm not sure where everyone was. Let's just say that the high table fee (PTA fundraiser) and the required raffle donation put me in the hole. I think this bazaar has potential thanks to the space and variety but I don't think I'll be joining next year. Bummer. On the positive side, I've got lots of inventory for my spring work conference!

On another positive side, I had 5 hours to stitch! These are for a set of 4 placemats I've been planning for ages.

Yesterday was spent with a little time on each of a lot of projects. It was divine.

I cut and stitched a few jewel hearts.

I cut out the parts needed to make half of Bonnie's mystery clue #2. Check out her linky party HERE.

There was a bunch more cutting and little clean up projects here and there that didn't warrant pictures or that I couldn't take pictures of for secret reasons. HOHOHO.

I will share 2 more pictures from my walk this morning.

Taken from the end of my driveway.
It's a little hazy and the sunrise was just lighting the sky.
Too bad you can't see the Christmas lights on the firehall at the end of the street
Maybe you can see the church steeple on the right - love those hourly bells

Love crossing this little creek twice on my walks.
The temp drops about 5-10 degrees when you cross the bridges.
Happy Monday!

Friday, December 01, 2017

Feline Friday - 12/1/17

It's December! It's December! It's December!
That mean's Santy Paws will be here soon!

Hi Momma - come give me a hug.

Oh wait - dirty spot...It's hard work keeping this white fur clean...

Never mind - changed my mind.

Wanna play instead?