Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Friday, June 29, 2018

Feline Friday - 6/29/18


Catnip on a scratchy box!!


Catnip from the bottom of the scratchy box is even better!!

Please Momma - Don't vac up the nip on the floor just yet...I'll get to it ASAP!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday Weather Report #58 - 6/27/18

Just a quickie post today as I don't really have anything else to share other than it's supposed to be in the 90s all weekend and I'm not prepared for this record breaking weather.

You see... last year we never go into the 90s so I have yet to buy maroon grunge fabric for this year's temperature quilt. Here's hoping the weather peeps are wrong, not just cuz I don't want it to be that hot while I have 2 days of outdoor activities but also cuz I'm not prepared!! Eek!

71 - 68 - 71 - 69 - 64 - 69 - 76 F

It's getting hard to photograph the month of June as it's now just under 19" long but I'm really enjoying working this year's quilt with the elongated hexie. I especially like hanging the "month" on my bulletin board at work to see how the month has been. Rosettes are fun but a long line is easier to assess weather trend wise.

Next decision? Find a background for the 12 months. I could find something now or I could wait until I have a few months done...it all depends on the next time I go on a FART** and that will probably be during vacation in July.

(**FART = Fabric Acquisition Road Trip)

Monday, June 25, 2018

Monday MishMash

Woohoo - a Monday post! Blogging is more fun now that we can answer comments!

This is heaven in an ice cream maker - made with fresh trawberries. Yes! I had a few spoonfuls with breakfast yesterday! I forgot my daily breakfast ration today so I'll have to double up tonight. Darn!

Such is my life - forced to work enough to pay for fabric. And what did I do this weekend? Worked at the LQS! Saturday was crazy busy and Sunday was crazy slow which gave me some time to trim and cut some projects.

I trimmed down 21 Diamond Tile blocks. I've got a few more blocks in progress but I wanted to see how many more I "needed" while I design this on the fly. The blocks finish at 11" and I will at least finish the one charm pack (~6 more blocks I think) and then I'll decide if I want to open up the second charm pack.

I also cut (320) 2.5" squares to use for the sashing on my Zag & Zig quilt. I'm sure I'll need plenty more but it was a good start.

And after all that cutting it was time to sit down and get some stitching done. The plan now is to add one more row to the colored middle so that it's 5 wide and then add one gray to each side so that I am working on the sashing as I go instead of all at the end. When I go to put the chunks together I will probably put another solid color in the middle of the gray sashing just so it's all odd numbers. Denise told me yesterday that prime #s (which are often odd #s) are scientifically more pleasing. Who am I to question science?!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Feline Friday - 6/22/18

Last Sunday was so hot, Momma spent most of it sitting and stitching in her favorite purple Adirondack chair in the shade while sipping strawberry cold brew lemonade.

Did you notice Momma coordinated her purple tootsies
to her purple chair?

I snoopervised the stitching...for a while.

But, I later decided the shade under my favorite tiger lilies was much more appealing.

I don't think we'll be able to sit outside this weekend - for one thing Momma has to work at the LQS but it's also supposed to rain for the next 4 days. That's actually a good thing or eventually the cracks in the lawn will be big enough to swallow all the bestest mousies.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Blogger Comment Fix!!!

Did you hear the news?
There is finally a fix for the Blogger comment notification fiasco!!!!

  1. Open your Blogger Dashboard
  2. Click settings in the left hand menu.
  3. Then click email.
  4. Delete the email listed and be sure to save settings.
  5. Now add the email you want notifications sent to and re-save settings.
  6. You will receive an email at that address that you need to confirm you want to receive notifications.

If this doesn't work for you, save an alternate address in the box then change it to what you want and re-save it.

Lemme know if you need help with this.
Looking forward to getting all your comments in my inbox again!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Wednesday Weather Report #57 - 6/20/18

I know - I'm really late posting this today - it's been a heck of a week so far. Work has been crazy and the weather has also been crazy. It was pretty hot over the weekend thru Monday but then it cooled off quite a bit after 1" of rain Monday evening, finally rewarding us with the most gorgeous sunset last night. I got to see it after quilt guild but many people all over Western NY were commenting on it at work and on the radio.

Just remember...these photo colors are gorgeous but not even half what we saw in person. Someone joked that they should take a picture of all of us taking pictures with our smartphones...it is a sign of our technological times.

74 - 71 - 72 - 79- 85 - 87 - 69 F

The first 19 days of June

Wish I knew how to get more separation in the yellow and green colors on the blog. I see a decent difference in person and try to dramatize it in the photos but it just seems to disappear when I add the photo to the blog. I'll take suggestions...

And now it's your turn - link up to share your weather project or just comment on your weather. I would love to know how far and wide the sunset was last night...

Sunday, June 17, 2018

HeLP for Hexie-aholics - 6/17/18

Hello! Hello! And welcome to the latest edition of Hexie Linky Party for Hexie-aholics!!

Have you been stitching anything new and exciting recently? You may recall that I finished my Lion several weeks ago. My original plan has been to make a single quilt with all the animals in it together but then I changed my mind. Women's prerogative, right??!!

This was the first quilt that I free motion quilted ... on a machine that didn't lower the feed dogs. It's not my best work but it's my first and it's been hanging in the same place in my quilt lab for the last 10 years. Time for a change...

Aslan the Lion

That is sew much better!!!

And with that it was time to start on the peacock! The papers were separated, matched with the fabrics and placed in baggies.

Percy the Peacock

I worked on it gangbusters for a while but I also promised Lisa I wouldn't finish before her and she has 2 cross stitch pieces to finish for her grandkids first so I've set it aside for now.

I've been working on Zag & Zig but it's really in my best interest to get working on the quilt for our next hexie club quilt exhibit at the Arts Council...I have 442 days left to design, stitch, quilt and bind it. For next years exhibit we are all going to make the same size wall hanging but the fabrics, colors, shapes, etc are up to the quilter. I want to take a picture of Zorro and convert it into a quilt using EQ7. First things first, I need to pick a photo so before I commit to Z, I better make sure I have a decent photo...

And now it's your turn to share! What projects have you been working on or dreaming up? Any UFO, PIG or WIP counts as does any paper shape. Looking forward to your links, especially since this whole comment thing is still a disaster.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Feline Friday - 6/15/18

Momma has been laying on her bed reading for a few minutes after work each day...

Don''t forget your sunglasses for the bright green walls!
Momma and I love them.

..It makes the perfect napping spot for me.

You don't think the cuddling will go to her head do you?

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Wednesday Weather Report #56 - 6/13/18

Hello! It's been a crazy week here at CasaGrande and I'm afraid I haven't accomplished much of anything other than laundry. The one thing I made sure to work on was my new weather quilt!

56 - 68 - 73 - 72 - 69 - 71 - 76 F

It was a mish mash of weather in the last week but the weather gods are calling for 80's in the coming weeks so it will get more summer like. I've included the month so far there on the right so you can see how it will be on the quilt - 12 columns, 1 for each month.

I haven't really worked on this next project much recently but this is the first chance I've had to share it with you. I'm basically working on this quilt that I found on Pinterest but I'm breaking it down into portable pieces where the original designer is working on 1 complete row at a time. This should be a good project to leave at work or take camping.

Meet Zig and Zag. Or is it Zag and Zig? Who knows. Anyway....I'll be using the stack of 2.5" squares that have accumulated from using the Scrap Therapy system as well as cutting up the smaller pieces of my strip bins while I also cut more jewel heart shapes. Scrappy projects rule!

It's been a very freeing project to put any ole fabric next to any other fabric, just trying not to put too much of one color side by side.

I also found a use for some of my Oui yogurt pots...the 1" papers fit perfectly. Now I just have to order a few of the lids so my papers don't go flying...

Friday, June 08, 2018

Feline Friday - 6/8/18

When one stays outside all day and half the night, waking Momma from the couch at 2:19am to let me inside, one must catch up on their sleep eventually...


Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Wednesday Weather Report #55 - 6/6/18

Woo Hoo - the first official post of my new temperature project!!

After a recording breaking heat wave for most of the month of May, we are starting June with a chilly streak. It's the perfect sleeping weather but it's SUMMER - and I want some sun and enough warmth to get rid of the fleece pullovers and sweats.

As you will recall, my official second year project started on June first. The last two days of May were 86 & 78F.

83 - 62 - 66 - 64 - 58 F

These pieces are tiny compared to the 1.5" hexies I used last year. The fabric pieces do not have my usual 3/8" seam allowance as it would be too bulky on the back. That means I need to be pretty accurate when basting the fabric to the paper so I'm not out of fabric when I get to the other end but overall, it's a very quick and easy process. I can't wait to get a couple weeks done so that I can begin sewing them into the first column that will be June.

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

The Bibliophile Files - 6/5/18

Welcome to The Bibliophile Files - my monthly record of the books I've read. Goodreads.com says I've now finished 22 out of my goal of 90 books for the year, a nice solid start that will pick up the pace now that the weather is supposedly working its way into summer and I can be outside hiking listening to audiobooks.

     The Promise Girls
     The Alphabet House
     Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness
     The Broken Girls
     Woman in the Window
     Gone Missing
     Being Jazz - My Life as a Transgender Teen

     on my home stereo - The Bone Bed
     on my iPhone - When Dimple met Rishi

And now it's your turn to share a good book - any book counts, be it a novel, magazine, quilt pattern or cereal box!


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, June 01, 2018

Feline Friday - 6/1/18

Lest you think that Momma had to be a homebody alone last weekend...here's solid proof that I was quite helpful.

You have *got* to keep an eye on those rolly chairs - they can be quite unruly.

Momma wants you to know it's a red day - something about she's excited to start her new temperature quilt today. Whatever...