We have a monthly hexie night at the LQS. Generally we bring show-n-tell, a snack or drink to share and our own project to work on. For our December meeting, I suggested that we have some kits to make Christmas ornaments, based on the papers only kits that paperpieces.com sells.

These are the four ornaments we decided to run with. These are all made from my scraps and were shapes I already had. See...it's nice to have a paper shape stash too! I'm still playing with backings since I would like to take the papers out and I'm open to any suggestions.
I think the star in the upper right is my favorite because of the cardinal fussy cut for the center. My least favorite in this shot is the white star but if you go turn off your lights you'll see why I tried this fabric*.
Have you tried making ornaments yet, all y'all hexie-aholics? Would love to see your designs. We'll be doing hearts in a couple months...
*LOL - it's glow in the dark Fairy Frost ;^)
No ornaments 'cause I don't celebrate Christmas, but if I did, I'd make these. They are adorable!
Sarah, these are darling!!! I really like the tree ... and the cardinal one ... and the gold star ... and...ummmmm...I think I might NEED some fairy frost glow-in-the-dark!!!!!!! :)
Send Denise some glow-in-the-dark Fairy Frost scraps, Sarah. She needs more fabric that glows! : )
I think the tree is my favorite, but I love them all!
I guess that the snow flake glows in the dark ????
They are all great.....something to think about making.
I have made wool feft ornaments for the tree before but these would be great !!
I like them all, but like the tree best.
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