Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Hump Day/Slump Day

I was texting with Denise this morning about being in a post-holiday-rush slump. I've been lucky enough to not have any meetings after work, allowing me to head home, change into my sweats, reheat homemade pad thai for dinner and then hex while watching NCIS and a bunch of movies. I've made a little progress on a bunch of projects but totally neglected to take any photos to share.  I offered bonus cat photos but Denise had an awesome idea to share a "day in the life" photo. Fun!!

Yes - he completely ignored the cat bed to sit on an accordion folder.
At least he didn't sit on the boxes of bills I was working on like last year...

I'll start with what I spent my weekend on - Taxes!!! Yip, I spent the weekend pulling escrows and sealing and stamping bills. I did have some supervision but he was soon on to bigger and better things...

...known locally as a box!! LOL

And here's my messy work desk! I've heard that a messy desk is the sign of a brilliant mind so I must be out of this world brilliant. We had back to back meetings yesterday, including a conference call, so everything got moved to the side to share the desk/computer.

Denise said she noticed several glimpses of my personality on the desk:

  • the hexies I brought to work on during lunch
  • my purple (fav color!!) water bottle and coat. 

Other "me" things found on the desk that aren't quite visible would be:

  •  the 4H mug that holds paperclips - I was in 4H for 10 years
  • the Cape Florida Lighthouse mug that holds pens - I gave tours for 10 years
  • the SanFran cable car holder for my sticky notepads - I was in SanFran many moons ago for another job and this came with chocolates in it
  • the batik itty bitty twister mug rug under my water bottle 
  • the ceramic cat tape dispenser from an old co-worker
  • on the front counter is a Christmas cactus (which thinks it's a halloween/january/easter cactus) in one of my antique crocks.
I guess I've always thought that I didn't bring much of me to my office - no photos on the bulletin board and such but I've surprised myself to see a lot of me at my messy desk :) Who Knew?! Thanks Denise!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 12/28/15

Remember how I found that fab giraffe fabric while Christmas shopping and tried to contain myself until after Christmas by picking a fabric palette?


It's after Christmas!!

When it came down to it, I realized that just didn't have enough of the stash fabrics I had picked for this project. My original plan had been to use an olive green in part of the project since I knew there was not enough of the neutral. But when I realized that the medium brown was only a FQ and also probably not enough, I started looking for different fabrics. It's a good thing (or is it bad??) that my LQS pays me in fabric!!

It's really hard to see the oliv-y green across the bottom but it's a gorgeous fabric

I ended up with these fabrics!!

Now my big decision is exactly how (and if) to integrate the green on the front since I have enough of the other 3 fabrics.

This is the dolly bed size version I'll be making.

This is the quilt I stole my idea from. I had originally thought of having the outside 2 columns of diamonds in the green with the rest the neutral but now I am thinking either no green or it could be the 2nd column from one side. I am also debating to finish the edges flat for a regular (green?) binding or to leave them with the hexie points. I'm leaning towards points...

I am making progress tho!! Those pesky little decisions can be made later...I've got stitching to do...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015



Remember how I joined the Santa Sack Swap and received this awesome sack from Jo in Australia??

Such pretty purple paper!!

Well, Friday was finally opening day!!!! WooHoo!!! The rules said we could open our gifts on Friday the 18th or we could wait until Christmas day. Never one to follow the rules, I decided to open one a day and spread out the cheer!

On Friday I opened a box of my current favorite tea. It was the perfect timing as we had finally gotten cold weather and would have 2" or 3" of snow by Saturday morning!! I'm not going to tell you that it's currently 54F/15C which is unheard of for December in the lake effect snow belt region of Western NY.

On Saturday, I opened this gorgeous little wall hanging! Jo found on my blog that I like to collect coins so it has a vinyl cover to the jar and she included a complete set of Aussie coins. I gushed about this all day while working at the LQS and I'm sure I drove a couple people nutzo.

The google eyes make me laugh every time!

On Sunday I opened this hilarious mug rug. I swear Jo must have had conversations with Zorro - the little stinker - since he loves to steal anything that's mine. This already has a proud home in my quilt lab.

On Monday I opened yet another package to reveal the choco tray, hand stitched ornament and money notepad! I hope to make 'roo chocolates for the family. My dad's stepmother was 100% Aussie so his step-siblings have a real connection to anything Aussie.

Yesterday I discovered two dishclothes. Can you see the S on the square washcloth? They are almost too pretty to use...


And last, but not least, today I opened this adorable notebook and cover. Jo was brave enough to make clamshells (yeah, I've not been that brave!) and they are little cats with pointy ears and more google eyes! I often use sticky notes to jot down quilt ideas for future or current projects but I think I'll keep them all in this journal now!!

Jo is such a talented artist - her FMQ and hand stitching were fabulous and did you notice she color coordinated everything to my fav colors??!! I had such a good time opening my gifts and it definitely made this stressful time of year so much more relaxed.

Thanks Jo!!!!
Merry Christmas!!

PS - check out what other people received here!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Design Floor Monday - 12/21/15

Yes, I know it's only 3 days, 10 hours, 46 minutes and 4 seconds to Christmas.

I had minimal help from the quality control officers.
That meant I was on the right track...

I am sewwwwww behind this Christmas and it's really dragging me down, in addition to the non-holiday weather. I did make a lot of progress on a number of gifts and cookies over the weekend so that's good but the "big" gift isn't done yet and I'm ready to yank my hair out. I know my friends won't mind a late gift but a seven year old will...

I need to add one more row...top or bottom?

I started by making the 128 blocks suggested by the original pattern and then layed them out, aiming for an off center pattern. Unlike the original square layout I wanted something for Ryan's twin bed. I assumed (yeah, I know...) when I rearranged from square to rectangle it would just magically be the right size. Not quite. Has anyone payed attention to the weird proportions for a twin bed? Right, it's crazy.

I believe it's passed inspection!!

So I made some more blocks and layed them out and then made some more and layed those out too and then made some more. I think it's taken more time to make more blocks than it did to make the original blocks. I need 3 more 4patches and then it will be done. I've got the back and batting ready and already have a plan for the quilting. I've got no plans this week other than working and only a  half day on Thursday so I think there's time.

Next time I get a whim to make quilts for my two most favorite nephews, they will be lap quilts. Little lap quilts for little laps! I better hurry cuz these boys are growing like weeds...

Friday, December 18, 2015

Feline Friday - 12/18/15

Momma - There is no way that boycat is an angel. He's definitely on the naughty list after that tantrum Wednesday night!! And, he. keeps. poking. at. me!!!! Brothers!?!?

I, on the other hand, am just a little doll!!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

HeLP for Hexie-aholics - 12/17/15

Welcome to the Ho Ho Ho edition of Hexie Linky Party for the lovers of EPP!!!

I thought I would start today with my new Christmas dress.

It's kinda hard to take a full length selfie so I added this closeup. Just promise to ignore the damp hair from walking in the rain. Fantastic dress, no?

I've been working on my Twisted Hexies since the last HeLP and it feels so good to have a large portion of it together. Nowhere near half together but it's great to see it in such a large piece. I have a number of the large rosettes made already but I've been focusing on making more smaller rosettes which are easier for lunch hours or the last spare minutes before bed. After Christmas I can pull out the big guns on this project again.

I've been using this new little yardstick box to hold my rosette parts while I work. It was part of a squishy I won from Janet a few weeks ago!!!!

She included a mini candy bar/2.5" squares, a tiny little stocking to add to my small collection and her scrumptious homemade soaps. You know I'll come up with some hexie pattern for the fabric squares :)

Gotta love the 2 kick-pleats and attached neck scarf!

OK - back to that dress. Ya'll don't really believe me do you? Anyone local would have started laughing riotously as soon as I said I was going to wear a dress and continued laughing when I said I was wearing it on a holiday. This jeans and a t-shirt gal is very very very very very very rarely seen in a dress - especially a fitted one. The LQS owner who initiated and continues to promote my hexie obsession, Claudia, found it at Goodwill a few weeks back. I may have lost a couple pants sizes walking for the last 6 months and this dress is supposedly in my old size but you can probably tell from the first photo that there is no way this will fit - it's not even zipped. Maybe by next Christmas!  Just to give my family a fright!

Ok, my hexie friends, it's now your turn. What projects are you dreaming of? Working on? Found in the back of the closet or finished for Christmas? Do share!!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 12/14/15

Here we are again, mid-December and breaking more weather records!!! It's currently 67F (18C) and Rochester is supposed to be 70F. It's making it very hard to get into the holiday spirit. I went up to the city for some gift shopping on Friday and while the weather was perfect for driving so much, everything is just a brown/green mess :( People are still out trying to overdecorate to make up for the lack of snow but it's just not the same...

One of my co-workers, who's job is to plow the roads, is thrilled with the weather and has "promised" to bring a snow machine to fill my yard for Christmas in exchange for not having to plow any roads yet. Of course, it needs to be near freezing for that gift to work! Keep your fingers crossed as we are forecast to get less than an inch this Friday and then it will be back into the 50s for the rest of the year...

Anyways...after all day shopping in Rochester Friday, cleaning house and errands on Saturday and hosting a work Christmas party at my house yesterday I was able to squeeze in some machine sewing. I am seeeeeeewwwww far behind on this project for little Ryan that it's getting a little scary but I've set some daily goals and I think in the end it will be fine.

I just need to press 128 seams tonight and sew the twosies into foursies tonight. That means only 64 seams to press tomorrow. LOL.

I will admit, my annual holiday shopping trip involves a long side trip to a quilt store I visit every December. I found another new hexie fabric, a black and white and some choco fabrics I need for a February project.

I also came across what I thought was a stunning giraffe fabric. Giraffes are one of my 2 favorite animals. I knew I would use if for the backing on another dolly bed project but had no idea what pattern. I kept stalling and stalling the urge to search my pinterest board for ideas with getting ready for the party but I finally gave in last night and not only picked a pattern but also have 75% picked the fabrics. I am not sure there is enough of the cream so I might add in a bit of the olive green to make the pattern more my own. I'm not sharing the pattern pic just yet but I'll tell ya it uses 1.5" hexagons and 6-point diamonds. How's that for a tease??!! I am hoping picking the pattern and fabric will get the urge for a new project out of my system until next year, esp since I need to finish Christmas presents, but I will promise nothing...

Friday, December 11, 2015

Feline Friday - 12/11/15


 Did you decorate the cat tree just for ME??!!!
You're the bestest Momma there is!!

These are my sissy's two favorite toys.
I'm gonna touch the pink one just to drive her nutzo!

I'll just rest here in the glow of my tree until SantyPaws leaves gifts under my tree...He must be coming soon!

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Quilter's Christmas Lights

I was asked last week to provide some pictures of what I was going to do with the string of white lights and purple fabrics.

I currently have a string of lights in the doublewide door frame between my living and dining rooms. They add such a perfect glow when all the other lights are turned down but this string is made with homespun type fabrics and that's just no longer my style. BTW - they are hung with 3 tiny clear command strips. Because they are clear I leave them up all year and don't have to look for them again and again :)

It all starts by snipping the edge of the fabric at 1" intervals and then tearing the strips apart. They may get wider at the other end which adds variety. There is also no need to straighten the edges if the quilt store didn't cut your fabric straight.

Cut your strips into 7 or 8" long chunks and then tie them on to the string of lights. My lights were not evenly spaced so the number of strips will depend on the space available. Mine was probably 4 or 5 per space.  This is the boring part bur good for watching all those holiday movies I hear are on TV this time of year...

Apparently last year I had intended to make a string of lights with red fabric since I found a gorgeous TOT red in the bag with the new lights. Guess I better get on that one as well since it would also work for Valentines. I like to have lights up as long as possible....gotta love that soft glow!

Feel free to use scraps, holiday prints, etc. Wouldn't white on White be pretty against colored moldings? What kid wouldn't want to get up on his birthday and have a string of lights in his favorite color or to match a new quilt to celebrate?!?!

Friday, December 04, 2015

Feline Friday - 12/4/15

Momma - I will forgive your for taking your nephdog Shaggy for a walk last weekend while The Boys were at their hockey tournament instead of giving me more kibbies cuz you brought me a "new" bench you found!!!

I don't read so well but I'm gonna guess it says "Good Boy"!!

Right Momma? I'm a good boy?!!
Yes, Zorro, Momma loves her good little boy!

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

The Bibliophile Files - 12/1/15

Holy Schmoley - it's already December! How did that happen? It's OK tho - I finished a good list of books this month. Getting back into my quilt lab and back to walking after falling down the stairs at the end of October helped me get through many of these books. I've got to finish 11 more books to have read more books than last year. I don't think that will be a problem!

On Thursday it will be official - no measurable snow at the Buffalo Airport or downtown Buffalo yet. A record that has held since 1899 and we aren't due for snow for another week or so. (Our weather mimics Buffalo, even tho they are an hour away, as we are both in the lake effect snow belt) I can only imagine how we will pay for this later...

Code Name Verity
Spartan Gold - a new to me series - can't wait to read the next one!
Unintended Consequences
Postcard Killers
Swamp Bones
Z: A novel of Zelda Fitzgerald - I wasn't sure what to expect other than a dry biography but I needed a 'z' book and this filled the bill. It turned out to be a fascinating story of an author and his wife that I had no background on. I just might have to read some Fitz and Hemmingway books...
Kitchens of the Great Midwest - O.M.G. This is one of my most favorite books ever. I don't want to give away the ending but lets say it's 97.7% of what I wanted to happen. Essentially it's a foodie book that moves through the evolution of family and friends and their daily struggles. And I would like to add that this should be a movie!!!!
The Apprentice
Wicked - cool, another series to read, even if it is short. I've never seen the play but now I really hope to. Funny thing, I was finishing this book when Mom told me the live version of The Wiz will be on tv this Thursday. Woot!
14th Deadly Sin

In progress:
On my home stereo: Hearts in Atlantis
On my iPhone: V is for Vengance

And now it's your turn - We want to hear it all: novels, magazines, new quilt books, fav blogs and cereal boxes. Looking forward to hearing about them all!!


1. Denise :)  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, November 30, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 11/30/15

I was going to pose a hypothetical photo question today but, it seems, tho I took, erased and re-took a photo of my half-snowball blocks, it's not on my camera. Phooey.

I was going to ask which was worse: pressing open and then pinwheeling 128 four-patches or drawing the line across squares, sewing them to bigger squares, pressing them open and then trimming for 128 half-snowball blocks? I vote for the snowballs...

Either way they are done and now I can begin assembling the top for Ryan's quilt.
25 days to finish it - I can do it!!

This is will be my new decoration for this year - the purples and white are torn into strips and tied to the lights to be hung in my quilt lab windows. I have a string between the dining and living rooms but it's in homespuns and not really my style any more - some day that fabric be replaced.

And finally, I joined the Secret Santa Sac Swap this year. My package arrived on Saturday!!!! We have not yet been told the date to open our sacs which are filled with 5 more (wrapped) gifts so I'll be in suspense for some time to come.

I did have an inspector to check out my sac, along with the bells. No worries tho as the sac has now been stashed - hopefully out of sight and out of mind for both the inspector and myself...

Friday, November 27, 2015

Feline Friday - 11/27/15

Hey Zorro! Pssst! You sleeping??!!
I think I smell turkey!! Do you smell turkey?

Hey! Z! Wake up!!
Oh fine, never mind...

Monday, November 23, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 11/23/15

Sew...I've finished bazaar season and I've finally finished some custom orders, which brings me to....full scale Christmas gift making season!! Some of the giftees read my blog so I have to be pretty careful what I post. I can't even share hexie photos today since I only spent about 30 minutes on them this weekend. Can you imagine??!!

This is the best I can share w/out giving away what I was making yesterday! Only a few more to make.

My 'hood is getting their holiday decorations up while the weather holds. I have two favorites that really mean the Holidays are closing in - I'll try to get a photo of the other house another day.

Taken on an early morning/pre-dawn walk last week.

Kenny lives around the corner from my house but this pine tree is tall enough that I can easily see it from any window in my house. I just love the flicker of white lights as the pine boughs move.

Someone at Walmart was having a good time with the pop display. The tree and background are recessed compared to the candy canes. I just now noticed the price - darn, missed my chance. While trying to get this photo I did find some cute Captain America and Hulk banks for my two fav nephews. They were in with the mens clothes which is a silly place for banks.

And last but not least  - look what greeted me this morning!! We were told to expect up to 12 inches of lake effect - I knew that wouldn't happen no matter how much hype there was. This was the perfect amount to glisten as the sun rose and now it's all  melted away.

It was a brisk 17F wind chill, which I found invigorating, but I was a little leery of the slippery snow on the sidewalks so my pace was off today. I promptly made a phone call to Mrs Clause and asked for yaktrax for Christmas. I wonder if she will delivery early?