It's a Good Friday to crawl under the couch cushion cover for a rest after terrorizing the ottoman.
Have a Good Friday and Hoppy Easter!!
Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!
Friday, March 30, 2018
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Wordless Wednesday Weather Report #45 - 3/28/18
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
And then there were 3!!!
The tree skirt is now into a half and 2 quarter pieces!!
The quarters will be finished tonight.
I'm not sure if I'll push through on getting the 2 halves together or save that for tomorrow.
I do have that second DVD of Longmire to watch...
Monday, March 26, 2018
And then there were 8!
Saturday morning I had planned to get some serious stitching done while watching a DVD before going to work at the LQS. That was the plan until the electric went out. I quickly pulled up the NYSEG outage webpage to find it was the whole corner of the county so I knew not to hold my breath.
Luckily it was a sunny morning....
and I could stitch in the sunbeams but I really didn't get much done.
The electric came on just as I was leaving for the LQS. Figures!
Saturday evening was also a bust, stitching wise, as we had three rescue calls in less than 4 hours.
Since I hadn't gotten my Saturday stitch fest in, Sunday became the day to spend on the couch watching Criminal Minds #6 and stitching. It was a fantastic sunny, junk food filled day watching DVD after DVD. After CM6 I moved onto Longmire #1 - another fantastic show.
Soon enough, I had 8 sections to my tree skirt!! I can't believe I've only been stitching the diamonds together since the beginning of February after sitting around for 3 years.
I kept stitching until it was late and then 8 became 6. I should have 2 more sections sewn together by the end of today. It's even possible that I'll have them all together before the end of the week! Then I need to pick backing and binding. I'm trying to decide between the reds or greens...
In the "winter" the sun rises in the double living room windows. In the "summer" the sun rises from the dining room windows. |
Luckily it was a sunny morning....
and I could stitch in the sunbeams but I really didn't get much done.
The electric came on just as I was leaving for the LQS. Figures!
Saturday evening was also a bust, stitching wise, as we had three rescue calls in less than 4 hours.
Since I hadn't gotten my Saturday stitch fest in, Sunday became the day to spend on the couch watching Criminal Minds #6 and stitching. It was a fantastic sunny, junk food filled day watching DVD after DVD. After CM6 I moved onto Longmire #1 - another fantastic show.
Soon enough, I had 8 sections to my tree skirt!! I can't believe I've only been stitching the diamonds together since the beginning of February after sitting around for 3 years.
I kept stitching until it was late and then 8 became 6. I should have 2 more sections sewn together by the end of today. It's even possible that I'll have them all together before the end of the week! Then I need to pick backing and binding. I'm trying to decide between the reds or greens...
Friday, March 23, 2018
Feline Friday - 3/23/18
One of the things that Momma did to prepare for her dinner party was to clean off the plant table so she could wipe it down. It's a nice table - especially cuz she spent zero dollars on it! In Momma's last apartment building in Miami, the peeps would put things outside the dumpster to be "adopted" by other peeps and that is where she got this table. It could use a coat of paint someday but it's nice enough for now.
When Momma put the stuff back on the table she left some space on the left side. Why? Cuz I like to look out the window at my 'hood when it's dark at night and I always pushed her stuff out of my way. It's not my fault the watering can had water in it that splashed about. And the big (non-replaceable) conch shell from St Marten never actually fell of the table despite her loud protestations.
In fact, the only plant I've ever harmed, her precious salmon colored Christmas Cactus, was on a totally different table and I did that on purpose. I destroyed that sucker.
I've been quite careful with the plant table stuff.
Bird Watching |
When Momma put the stuff back on the table she left some space on the left side. Why? Cuz I like to look out the window at my 'hood when it's dark at night and I always pushed her stuff out of my way. It's not my fault the watering can had water in it that splashed about. And the big (non-replaceable) conch shell from St Marten never actually fell of the table despite her loud protestations.
Momma Watching |
In fact, the only plant I've ever harmed, her precious salmon colored Christmas Cactus, was on a totally different table and I did that on purpose. I destroyed that sucker.
I've been quite careful with the plant table stuff.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Wednesday Weather Report #44 - 3/21/18
I'm posting this on Tuesday since I have Wednesday off.
That's my excuse for not having this block done and I'm sticking to it!
It's been a little colder than recent weeks. How do I know that? Cuz tonight at guild meeting we are sharing our first and our most recent quilts so I decided it was a good time to catch up on my over all quilt so I could share.
I took this picture Tuesday morning when I thought it would be a blue day - nope it was a purple. It feels like a blue, or even a green, with that glorious sun on this first day of Spring but it's really a purple. So...less blue and no green or yellow. We are definitely cooler and I am ok with that. The cooler weather is thanks to clear, starry skies at night which lead to clear sunny days.
I'll tell anyone more than once, I'll take any temp as long as the sun is shining!!
That's my excuse for not having this block done and I'm sticking to it!
28 - 34 - 22 - 39 - 36 - 26 - 28 F |
It's been a little colder than recent weeks. How do I know that? Cuz tonight at guild meeting we are sharing our first and our most recent quilts so I decided it was a good time to catch up on my over all quilt so I could share.
I took this picture Tuesday morning when I thought it would be a blue day - nope it was a purple. It feels like a blue, or even a green, with that glorious sun on this first day of Spring but it's really a purple. So...less blue and no green or yellow. We are definitely cooler and I am ok with that. The cooler weather is thanks to clear, starry skies at night which lead to clear sunny days.
I'll tell anyone more than once, I'll take any temp as long as the sun is shining!!
Monday, March 19, 2018
Weekend Update
I finished tree skirt section #7 over the weekend!!!
And that leaves just one more section to go! Woot! Who knew back at the beginning of February that I would be this far along this fast...
I would have liked to have gotten more done over the weekend. I could blame it on movie night at the library (Coco), cleaning and prepping for this week's dinner party (now up to 16 people) or the birthday party where we learned to play African drums but when it comes down to it, I was just plain in a low key mood to lounge on the couch and not do much of anything else. I watched a couple good movies, took a Sunday afternoon nap and ate junk food.
It also helped to be held hostage again =^..^=
And that leaves just one more section to go! Woot! Who knew back at the beginning of February that I would be this far along this fast...
Section #8 in the morning sunshine |
I would have liked to have gotten more done over the weekend. I could blame it on movie night at the library (Coco), cleaning and prepping for this week's dinner party (now up to 16 people) or the birthday party where we learned to play African drums but when it comes down to it, I was just plain in a low key mood to lounge on the couch and not do much of anything else. I watched a couple good movies, took a Sunday afternoon nap and ate junk food.
It also helped to be held hostage again =^..^=
Friday, March 16, 2018
Feline Friday - 3/16/18
I've been holding Momma hostage this week! Like 5 of the last 7 days.
I hostaged her several times on Saturday and Sunday but during the week it was after my morning romp out in the 'hood.
As Momma told Grand Poppa last night - I've only ever held her hostage like 10 times before this week.
She keeps threatening to take me to the V.E.T. in the P.T.U but I'm not sure why?!
I just like to mix it up once in a while and keep her on her toes.
Sometimes, just sitting next to Momma will be enuf to keep her delirious.
This is what's called TORTURE - it's a look-at-but-don't-touch-the-belly-furs situation peeps!
Except sometimes I get really sleepy and forget what I'm here for...
Hmmmmm - that feels guuud!
Full-on hostage while I sit on Momma's lap |
As Momma told Grand Poppa last night - I've only ever held her hostage like 10 times before this week.
Sometimes only a partial hostage situation is necessary. |
She keeps threatening to take me to the V.E.T. in the P.T.U but I'm not sure why?!
I just like to mix it up once in a while and keep her on her toes.
Sometimes, just sitting next to Momma will be enuf to keep her delirious.
This is what's called TORTURE - it's a look-at-but-don't-touch-the-belly-furs situation peeps!
Except sometimes I get really sleepy and forget what I'm here for...
Hmmmmm - that feels guuud!
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Wednesday Weather Report #43 - 3/14/18
Spring is Coming...Spring is Coming...I think Spring might be coming...
We haven't gotten near the amount of snow that many places are getting but this is the third snow fall in as many weeks of March with another due next week.
We just keep repeating:
Spring is Coming...
Spring is Coming...
Spring is Coming...
37 - 32 - 32 - 32 - 28 - 28 - 31 F |
We haven't gotten near the amount of snow that many places are getting but this is the third snow fall in as many weeks of March with another due next week.
We just keep repeating:
Spring is Coming...
Spring is Coming...
Spring is Coming...
Monday, March 12, 2018
Hostage Situations
Due to the big storm 2 Friday's ago, we had postponed Hexie Club to this past Friday. Unfortunately, we only had 3 people at the meeting which turned out ok - we had cookies and got lots of stitching done.
Saturday was my Guild sit-n-sew where I finished section #6 of my Christmas Tree Skirt. I quickly laid out section 7 (above) and got right on it. As of lunch today, I've got the left and right corners complete up through the red rows and I have 3 of the 4 top rows completed. I should be able to finish this section by the weekend thanks to several evening meetings. I hope they don't mind my stitching while they talk. That leaves just one more section. Eeeeekkkkk!!!!!
Yesterday I went to a town on the other side of the county to visit their quilt store - I needed a little more of 2 grunge fabrics for current projects. Well. I gotta tell you. I was held hostage by that grunge section until I came up with the following idea.
It's an incomplete idea as I don't know what (EPP, of course) pattern I'll be using but I'm being a good girl and not even thinking about it until that tree skirt is done!
I also visited a new "junk" store where I was held hostage by several crocks. I know I probably already have enough crocks but that's like saying I already have enough fabric. Ain't neither never gonna come out of my mouth...
The label on this crock claimed it was a 2 gallon. Really? Pretty sure it's a ten-er...but I could be wrong.
This means I now have a 20 gallon, 10 gallon and 2 six gallon crocks plus 12 to 15 smaller ones. The only crocks with out a purpose are the new crocks and I'll find a use for them soon enough. I use the 20 for fabric scraps, a six for rolls of wrapping paper and the other 6 for a kitchen garbage can. I use the smaller ones for all kinds of storage all over the house.
BTW - using a 20 gallon crock for scraps is NOT a good idea - can't keep up with the scraps when the container is that large.
I thought this 1.5(?) gallon crock had a different/neat bottom. It's got blue speckles on one side like it was around other crocks being marked with blue glaze but other than the bottom it's a standard crock.
I'll let Zorro tell you about my other hostage situations on Friday =^..^=
Saturday was my Guild sit-n-sew where I finished section #6 of my Christmas Tree Skirt. I quickly laid out section 7 (above) and got right on it. As of lunch today, I've got the left and right corners complete up through the red rows and I have 3 of the 4 top rows completed. I should be able to finish this section by the weekend thanks to several evening meetings. I hope they don't mind my stitching while they talk. That leaves just one more section. Eeeeekkkkk!!!!!
Yesterday I went to a town on the other side of the county to visit their quilt store - I needed a little more of 2 grunge fabrics for current projects. Well. I gotta tell you. I was held hostage by that grunge section until I came up with the following idea.
It's an incomplete idea as I don't know what (EPP, of course) pattern I'll be using but I'm being a good girl and not even thinking about it until that tree skirt is done!
I also visited a new "junk" store where I was held hostage by several crocks. I know I probably already have enough crocks but that's like saying I already have enough fabric. Ain't neither never gonna come out of my mouth...
The label on this crock claimed it was a 2 gallon. Really? Pretty sure it's a ten-er...but I could be wrong.
This means I now have a 20 gallon, 10 gallon and 2 six gallon crocks plus 12 to 15 smaller ones. The only crocks with out a purpose are the new crocks and I'll find a use for them soon enough. I use the 20 for fabric scraps, a six for rolls of wrapping paper and the other 6 for a kitchen garbage can. I use the smaller ones for all kinds of storage all over the house.
BTW - using a 20 gallon crock for scraps is NOT a good idea - can't keep up with the scraps when the container is that large.
I thought this 1.5(?) gallon crock had a different/neat bottom. It's got blue speckles on one side like it was around other crocks being marked with blue glaze but other than the bottom it's a standard crock.
I'll let Zorro tell you about my other hostage situations on Friday =^..^=
Friday, March 09, 2018
Feline Friday - 3/9/18
Momma was kinda grumpy this morning...
I was trying to get her up early and she was trying to ignore me. I was doing my bestest to scratch the furniture and knock things over. She assumed that I wanted breakfast so that was the first thing she did when she finally dragged herself out of her cozy bed. It wasn't what I wanted but I ate it anyway. I would hate for my crunchies to go bad...
Eventually Momma figured out that I wanted her to change the battery in the thermostat. It was deader than the last mouse that I brought home for Momma and our grand old parsonage was a bit nippy, even with my luxurious black and white furs coat.
Don't worry - Momma tucked me in and I was all warm and cozy to wait for birdievision to start again after Momma filled the feeders.
It's nice having staff, even when they don't always catch on right away.
I was trying to get her up early and she was trying to ignore me. I was doing my bestest to scratch the furniture and knock things over. She assumed that I wanted breakfast so that was the first thing she did when she finally dragged herself out of her cozy bed. It wasn't what I wanted but I ate it anyway. I would hate for my crunchies to go bad...
Eventually Momma figured out that I wanted her to change the battery in the thermostat. It was deader than the last mouse that I brought home for Momma and our grand old parsonage was a bit nippy, even with my luxurious black and white furs coat.
Don't worry - Momma tucked me in and I was all warm and cozy to wait for birdievision to start again after Momma filled the feeders.
It's nice having staff, even when they don't always catch on right away.
Wednesday, March 07, 2018
Wednesday Weather Report #42 - 3/7/18
Last week Chantal was cruising on the evil website to look for weekend projects. I was really enthralled with one of them so Chantal said we should make it together.
The basic premise was to baste 2 mini charm packs onto 3/4" hexies. Another 2 packs were sewn together as the background. After sandwiching, the hexies were then quilted onto the background in a crosshatch pattern.
Chantal didn't have matching mini charm packs so she cut a regular charm pack into minis and went from there. She's finishing her binding so hopefully she will post hers soon.
I only had one 1 mini charm pack in a small enough scale so I basted them onto 1" hexies and sewed 3" white grunge squares into a background. It wasn't quite big enough for thedoll cat bed so I added a border and grunge hexies. It's a lot of white and the flash, last night, really bounced off the white but I like it. I think I have enough teal grunge to bind it and I found the perfect blue/teal/purple fabric in my stash for the back.
Not bad for a 5-day project, huh? I hope to get it quilted tonight so that I can share it at hexie club this week (we postponed due to last Friday's weather). And then I can get back to my tree skirt. I'm still on section 6 but that will be finished long before the weekend is over because Saturday is guild sit-n-sew.
And then there was the weather....Oh the weather...
I just never know what to expect any more...
Yipp. We started at a balmy 60, crashed right into that snow storm (hence the snowflake fabric) I shared photos of on Monday and got stuck in the low 30s. Apparently it's time to cut more blues because I have both dark and light purples stacked out the wazoo but it looks like we won't need them for at least another couple weeks.
It is soooooo gonna be fun next year comparing rosettes and how weird the weather has been...
How has your weather been? Can't wait to see your hexie rosettes:
The basic premise was to baste 2 mini charm packs onto 3/4" hexies. Another 2 packs were sewn together as the background. After sandwiching, the hexies were then quilted onto the background in a crosshatch pattern.
Chantal didn't have matching mini charm packs so she cut a regular charm pack into minis and went from there. She's finishing her binding so hopefully she will post hers soon.
I only had one 1 mini charm pack in a small enough scale so I basted them onto 1" hexies and sewed 3" white grunge squares into a background. It wasn't quite big enough for the
Not bad for a 5-day project, huh? I hope to get it quilted tonight so that I can share it at hexie club this week (we postponed due to last Friday's weather). And then I can get back to my tree skirt. I'm still on section 6 but that will be finished long before the weekend is over because Saturday is guild sit-n-sew.
And then there was the weather....Oh the weather...
I just never know what to expect any more...
60 - 34 - 30 - 30 - 29 - 30 - 35 F |
Yipp. We started at a balmy 60, crashed right into that snow storm (hence the snowflake fabric) I shared photos of on Monday and got stuck in the low 30s. Apparently it's time to cut more blues because I have both dark and light purples stacked out the wazoo but it looks like we won't need them for at least another couple weeks.
It is soooooo gonna be fun next year comparing rosettes and how weird the weather has been...
How has your weather been? Can't wait to see your hexie rosettes:
Tuesday, March 06, 2018
The Bibliophile Files - 3/6 /18

I haven't finished one. single. book. in the last month.
I've been chipping away at World Without End which is 36 CDs long!! It's been a little hard to get in to and, heck, it's the length of 4 or 5 regular audio books. For some reason, all the story lines clicked over the weekend so I'm hoping I can keep my weekend streak going...
My excuse? I've spent a lot of time stitching on my Christmas Tree Skirt and that means lots of DVD watching. I also haven't been walking very much. Pathetic but it's real life in my neck of the snowy woods.
Let's hope you have some better progress to share.
Don't forget you can share any novel, quilt pattern/book, magazine or cereal box!
Monday, March 05, 2018
Feline Monday - 3/5/18
Did all ya'll miss me on Friday? I missed you!
Ya see we had this little snowstorm and Momma got to stay home! Woot!
It was snowing pretty good when Momma and I went to bed on Thursday but those weather people never get it right so we didn't think we would get anywhere near the predicted 22".
Well! What do you know?! Those weather peeps CAN get it right once in a while!
When I finally dragged Momma out of bed for my breakfast, this was the view from Momma's quilt lab. While the weather usually comes from the front/right side of the house, this weather came from behind the house - we were especially surprised to find so much snow built up on the windowsill and on top of my bird feeder at the front of the house.
Momma knows I like to go outside right after breakfast so she pushed the door open as far as she could. I think she was crazy cuz I ain't going out in that much white stuff. My great uncle Carl had so much snow just outside his door that he had to kick out the bottom panel of the door to move the snow. Yikes!
Momma got the door open just a tad more so she could get out and start shoveling. I went to take a nap cuz it was gonna take her a while.
I think there is a car under there.
I knew she could find it! Well, at least half of it.
It took Momma an hour to shovel from the porch to the car, uncover half the car and then shovel out to the road. Our driveway is 4 car lengths and then the plows didn't plow all the way to the grass (there just wasn't anywhere to push it) so that was another 3 feet of snow. How could it possibly have taken that long? That's cuz it was three shovelfuls deep - about 19". Maybe next time she should shovel a straight line...
After another hour of shoveling, Momma went back to finish uncovering the car. I think she had kinda lost it by then...
Finally, after 2.5 hours of shoveling a neighbor came over to blow out the end of the driveway. That saved Momma another hour of shoveling. She was and is soooooooooooo grateful.
By now Momma's back was KILLING her so she was happy that her boss let her take the rest of the day off.
Since Momma was home I did my best to entertain her! Yipp...I do have 3 legs hanging outside my crow's nest and that is my purple Puppy dogtoy.
I also did my best to help her rest her back. I thought sitting in her lap would do just the trick!
By yesterday the weather was drastically different. Look at those blue skies! And look how the thin bits left in the driveway have melted. Momma was walking to the local mini-mart for more eggs (molasses cookie time!!) so I thought I would follow her. I don't think she wanted me to but that's a whole 'nother story.
This is my favorite snow sculpture in the neighborhood. I wonder how long that snow is going to hang off the roofs??!!
And now it's time for another nap...see y'all this Friday!
Ya see we had this little snowstorm and Momma got to stay home! Woot!
It was snowing pretty good when Momma and I went to bed on Thursday but those weather people never get it right so we didn't think we would get anywhere near the predicted 22".
Well! What do you know?! Those weather peeps CAN get it right once in a while!
When I finally dragged Momma out of bed for my breakfast, this was the view from Momma's quilt lab. While the weather usually comes from the front/right side of the house, this weather came from behind the house - we were especially surprised to find so much snow built up on the windowsill and on top of my bird feeder at the front of the house.
I growl and hiss at the snow to tell it I don't like it. Do you do that? |
Momma knows I like to go outside right after breakfast so she pushed the door open as far as she could. I think she was crazy cuz I ain't going out in that much white stuff. My great uncle Carl had so much snow just outside his door that he had to kick out the bottom panel of the door to move the snow. Yikes!
Momma got the door open just a tad more so she could get out and start shoveling. I went to take a nap cuz it was gonna take her a while.
I think there is a car under there.
I knew she could find it! Well, at least half of it.
It took Momma an hour to shovel from the porch to the car, uncover half the car and then shovel out to the road. Our driveway is 4 car lengths and then the plows didn't plow all the way to the grass (there just wasn't anywhere to push it) so that was another 3 feet of snow. How could it possibly have taken that long? That's cuz it was three shovelfuls deep - about 19". Maybe next time she should shovel a straight line...
After another hour of shoveling, Momma went back to finish uncovering the car. I think she had kinda lost it by then...
Finally, after 2.5 hours of shoveling a neighbor came over to blow out the end of the driveway. That saved Momma another hour of shoveling. She was and is soooooooooooo grateful.
By now Momma's back was KILLING her so she was happy that her boss let her take the rest of the day off.
Since Momma was home I did my best to entertain her! Yipp...I do have 3 legs hanging outside my crow's nest and that is my purple Puppy dogtoy.
I also did my best to help her rest her back. I thought sitting in her lap would do just the trick!
By yesterday the weather was drastically different. Look at those blue skies! And look how the thin bits left in the driveway have melted. Momma was walking to the local mini-mart for more eggs (molasses cookie time!!) so I thought I would follow her. I don't think she wanted me to but that's a whole 'nother story.
This is my favorite snow sculpture in the neighborhood. I wonder how long that snow is going to hang off the roofs??!!
And now it's time for another nap...see y'all this Friday!
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