Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Friday, May 31, 2019

Feline Friday - 5/31/19

So. This was my yard last Friday evening.

And this was my yard by Saturday evening!!!

Is okay Momma - I'll be your new security system!!

Ain't nobody gonna steal our shiny "new," still un-named, blue velvet metallic wheels!!!

PS - Momma says to tell all ya'll : only 142 hexies left!!!


Jo said...

Nice wheels but you haven't time for driving. Gotta get those Hexies done.

Annette Mandel said...

That 3rd pic is a good one for "choose your own caption"! Hope you had a pleasant car-buying experience. A78mandel at yahoo dot com

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Love your new car!! I'll have to cave pretty soon too.
xx, Carol