Hello and welcome to this month's edition of HeLP (Hexie Linky Party) for those of us that are addicted to English Paper Piecing!!!
I'm afraid I don't have much to share as I've spent all my time lately sewing things to sell at an upcoming conference I'll be attending.
You may recall from about 2 weeks ago that I finished what I could on this 3D doll quilt. "Finished" means I had used up all 3 FQs yet still needed to finish that bottom left corner. The debate was to use the remaining 3 gray pieces or to try to make this one like the rest. We decided to try to make it the same as all the others. I had some light gray left to use and the plan was to piece the red together after trimming the bottom flat. It was decided but it sat and waited for it's turn after my conference.
Yet, yesterday while finishing up some mugrugs, I found enough of the red to make one more. Woohoo!! The block is done and I'll stitch it on when I've had my fill of conference prep.
I also received a squishy in today's mail - all the way from London.
London, Ontario. Canada.
Hah - you thought I got something from across the pond...
I think I might do mine in batiks as well... |
Nope - it's a set of papers and templates for a new hexie project called Castor and Pollux that
Cathy is able to produce with her own laser.
Cathy was able to use the 3/8" seam allowances I like on my templates and the papers are sturdy cardstock. I'm waiting to see what else she has to offer!
The cost of shipping is more than we are used to in the US but the exchange rate on the dollar more than makes up for it.
If I organized it, would you like to make a temperature quilt using EPP? For those that don't know... these started as afghans where the daily high was compared to a predetermined chart which correlated the temp into yarn color for that days row on the afghan. The afghan is a memento of the year's weather. If you guys are interested, I can work out the details for the next HeLP...
And now it's your turn to share - what hexie projects are you working on?
Is it new or has it sat for a while?
What's your favorite shape to stitch?
What shape are you avoiding?