First I'm pleased to say that I finished my first challenge of the year on 11/22/19 by reading 74 books where one word in the title is also one of the words that spell the months of the year.
The next challenge to complete is to finish a total of 90 books for the year and I have just 6 books to go. Woohoo!
Goodreads claims I am actually 2 books ahead of scheduled, which is hard to believe after a year of being several books behind schedule every month.
Private Down Under - this is a new to me series that open private detective offices in various cities around the world - a fun way to learn about different countries
Notes from a Young Black Chef - I enjoyed the book other than the constant "woe is me" stories. To learn about someone learning to be a chef and try to run a business and then look up videos of the chef online was educational for me as someone who has done catering and just plain likes to cook.
The Golden Day - eh.. just eh. Sorry.
Spill - I'm generally not for sound effects in my audiobooks but this was different. This was a LA Theater recording and I just happened to be in my car when the oil rig exploded in surround sound. I white knuckled the rest of my drive home that night...
Erotic Stories for Punjabi Women - this book is hilarious but I don't recommend listening to it in public for obvious reasons.
Firefly Lane - A memoir of 2 girls who grow into women as friends but who don't always treat each other fairly. I can't wait to read the next book.
Murder in the Reading Room - A good book, a little hoitey toitey, but the murder referred to in the title was such a small part of the book, it was misleading.
Mean Streak - a fantastic book that I had not expected the twisted ending.
Chocolate Fever - Yipp, a quick kids book to up my numbers. I admit it but I had fun doing it too. It was encouraging to know I'm not the world's worst chocoholic.
The Wright 3 - another kids book. They referred to some kids toy a lot. They were apparently 3D and had letters on them to build words or shapes. It was a little distracting to the rest of the story, especially since I had never heard of the toy before
Escape from Mr Lemoncello's Library - a fun educational book about libraries and there are several more in the series!
on my iPhone -
on my home stereo -
Lousiana's Way Home
I've got another challenge lined up for the new year... I call it Spell that Place. It's a very long name of a "farm" in South Africa so I'll be looking for books that have a word in their title that starts with any of those 40some letters. If anyone wants to play along I am happy to share my Place.
Let us know below what you've been reading! Anything counts: novel, magazine, quilt pattern or cereal box.