¡¡Me llamo Zorro y este es un enfrentamiento mexicano!!!
That would be a Mexican Standoff in English.
Momma doesn't want to put any ornaments on the tree until I've 'inspected' the tree.
I don't want to waste my time so I'm waiting for the ornaments before I inspect the tree.
Who do you think will win and how long do you thing the standoff will last??
I have my own theory...
Put something he is not supposed to lay on next to the tree and he will be all over it. Say, something just washed or something that shows a lot of cat hair.
Hmmmm, the odds are with you, "Z" ;))) hugs, Julierose
P.S. such a pretty tree...
Zorro, while I do not doubt your abilities to stick to your 'guns' (so to speak), I have the greater faith in your Momma's abilities to wait you out!!! ¡Que te diviertas! :)
The battle of wills--I don't even want to think about how long this could go on.
I wouldn't even put any ornaments on it, but then I don't even put one up because of two furkids.
Is Z just waiting for the ornaments to go on so he can bat them off?
Well, that tree is very pretty even without any ornaments. I think you might be out of luck, Z :)
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